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Eeman Boosters to Nourish your Soul



By: Nasmira Firdous

Distress, anxiety, joys, fear, worries and : different facets that make up this mesmerizing sojourn called “”. It might fascinate you with its unknown twists and turns. There are moments where you relish the joys and with every breath you take. And then, there are moments when the human soul, weak in its creation but as mighty as it thinks of itself, tries to shred realities and instead, buries itself into worldly deceptions.

With the pressures of dunya that strangle us both physically and emotionally, our minds tend to lose focus and our cringe with disappointments and pain. Beyond all of this, our souls end up forgetting their very purpose of existence: To worship our Creator Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala .

In this article, let us undertake a journey that would help us free our hearts from worries, let us perform tiny little acts of acts that could weigh heavy on our scale of good deeds, helping us have an eeman high, in sha Allah.

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Some of the reasons why Muslims do not celebrate Christmas


By: Leicester Dawah

Now contrary to what many people may think, Muslims do indeed believe in JESUS — not as the Creator of the universe or as the offspring of the Creator of the universe, but as AMONG THE MOST NOBLE, DIGNIFIED, HONORABLE and RIGHTEOUS CREATIONS OF GOD. If a person does not believe in Jesus, then he cannot be a Muslim.

Muslims also believe that the mother of Jesus, the VIRGIN MARY, is the GREATEST OF ALL WOMEN. As a matter of fact the nineteenth chapter of the Qur’an is named for her.

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The myth of Islamic terrorism in Europe & USA


By: James Powell


These days it’s hard to get away from hearing about Islamic terrorists being over here in the west, with their evil agenda of killing or converting everyone to Islam. We always hear how 90% of terrorists are Muslim. Thinking back to my younger days, the picture was totally different. In the 1970’s and 1980’s there was plenty of terrorism to go around. There were “red army” groups all across Europe, left wing groups in the USA, and the FLQ here in Canada.

Islamic terrorism in the west was totally unheard of, except in Hollywood, where the terrorists were usually inept, and would get their butts kicked by Chuck Norris or someone like him. What changed? Thinking about that question led me to looking into international police reports from two agencies that have kept good records on terrorism in both Europe and the U.S. and the hard facts are very surprising indeed.

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Preparing for the Light

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By: Umm Salih

It was during a recent trip to a mountainous area for Eid vacations. We were to walk on absurdly rutted, bumpy and very steep roads in pitch darkness. Massive mountains were hovering above us and on the other side were deep valleys. Those of us having torches in their mobile phones switched them on so that we could find the way easily, without tripping or bumping into anything.

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What if I told you the truth about Islam (Video)

info-pictogram1 This video serves to showcase the truth about Islam, by clearing many of its misconceptions. It also brings the dialogue back to the basics of what Islam is really all about.

Repentance: 10 Duties of Those Who Are Truly Repentant


Imam Abu Talib al-Makki mentions ten duties of those truly repentant, in his work Qut al-Qulub:

1. It is their duty not to return to disobeying Allah

2. If one falls into sin, then not to keep repeating the sin

3. To hasten to repent to Allah from any sin one falls into

4. Remorse for one’s remissness and shortcomings

5. To make the resolve to remain upright until death

6. Fear of Divine punishment

7. Hope of Divine forgiveness

8. Recognition of one’s sin

9. Conviction that Allah decreed that for them–(f: with His Will) in accordance with His Eternal Knowledge (f: through which He knew the choice the servant would make); but He did not compel the servant nor force them (f: but, rather, the servant chose it with Divinely-grant choice)

10. Following up with righteous deeds, in order that they expiate for the sin–for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) has said, “Follow a bad deed with a good deed, and it will wipe it out.”

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The Spirit of Modesty

By: Usman Siddiqui


Many Muslims – myself included — often forget about the spirit of Islam in matters of law and worship. For instance, do we not recite 114 times in the Qur’an, “In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” – should this not, then, be the spirit with which all our actions and deeds are performed? Is our worship for anything other than to get closer to Allahsubhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) – should this not, then, be the focus with which we perform every prayer? Is the essence of fasting not sacrifice for the sake of Allah (swt) – should we not, then, abandon extravagance when it comes to Ramadan?

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Towards The House: Protocols for The Pilgrim

Hajj has external and internal protocols. In this short piece, I hope to draw your attention to its subtle ones that touch your soul, and enhance your faith.

1. You should choose a righteous person to travel with, ensuring that your income is from permissible sources. Pure sources illuminate your heart, and a righteous companion reminds you of good and keeps you from evil

2. You should avoid business transactions while in route because they will weaken your focus and scatter your thoughts

3. You should be generous while traveling, feeding others with an open heart and picking the best words when speaking with others

4. Avoid arguments, shouting matches and speaking about worldly matters. You should limit your speech, after your basic needs, to reciting the Qur’an and the remembrance of Allāh

5. You should be pleased with your expenditures and the hardships you encounter, viewing them as a sign that your pilgrimage is accepted, considering them all as rewards for you in the Hereafter.

Abridged by Suhaib Webb from al-Ghazzāli’s writings

ISIS victim’s brother opposes extremism with integrity and the Quran


By: Dan Bloom

The brother of beheaded aid worker David Haines has read from the Koran in an impassioned plea for the world to ‘repel evil with something better’.

Mike Haines said extremism, not Islam, was to blame for the on-camera butchering of his brother, a married 44-year-old with two children who devoted his life to helping victims of war.

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