Blog Archives

Documentary: Morocco – Pioneering Economic Growth (Video)

How is the country ‘Pioneering Economic Growth’ ?

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Hamza Tzortzis – Transforming our Hearts (Video)



By: Haroon Moghul


Last week, The New York Times’ Rukmini Callimachi published “A Theology of Rape,” a report as important as it is horrifying. Unfortunately, like several recent exposés on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), including Graeme Wood’s website-busting What ISIS Really Wants, Callimachi’s reporting is unusually receptive to the movement’s claims. Namely, that plausible Islamic arguments can be made for slavery, rape, and other crimes.

In support of his own argument that ISIS isn’t just “Islamic,” but “very Islamic,” Wood cited Princeton academic Bernard Haykel who insists that anyone who denies ISIS’ Islamic authenticity is being disingenuous (who says this is never elaborated on). Wood then proceeded to analyze ISIS’ “Islamicity” based almost entirely on Haykel, several fringe Muslim scholars, ISIS sympathizers, and no mainstream voices.

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Nouman Ali Khan: It’s a Girl! (Video)

”When my 3rd daughter was born, I was overtaken by joy. The Prophet (peace be upon him) promised Paradise for those who care for their daughters and fears Allah regarding them. I was so happy about having a girl again that I bought doughnuts for everyone and took them to isha prayer.
A brother came to me that night and asked, “Oh what happened? Is there some good news?” I replied, “Yes! It’s a Girl!” He looked at me and said, “Inshallah next time” as if it wasn’t good news because I didn’t have a boy.
I was so upset that I wanted to slap the brother across the face. That is what idol worshippers in Makkah would have said! That is what people who don’t believe in Allah would have said! The fact that I had my 3rd daughter, allows me to celebrate the words of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. What bigger congratulations could there be?!” – Brother Nouman Ali Khan

Hamza Yusuf: ‘Freedom of Speech’ or ‘Freedom to Insult’? (Video)

More Hamza Yusuf lectures…

RELATED: Hamza Yusuf: The Crisis of ISIS – A Prophetic Prediction (Video)

Documentary: Exhibition – Prophet Muhammad (Video)

info-pictogram1 This documentary was shown during Exhibition: Muhammad (saw), held in Birmingham, UK in 2013. MashaAllah the documentary highlights Muhammad (saw), the man himself, the message he brought to mankind and the mission for which he was sent for by Allah (swt).

This is the perfect video for those who are learning about Muhammad (saw), for those who want to know more about Muhammad (saw) and for those who want to know Muhammad (saw).

Please watch and share widely with friends and family, both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Movie: American Sharia (Trailer)

info-pictogram1 The First ever comedy/action movie of it’s kind, A movie by Muslims everyones can enjoy.
A dedicated cop name Mohammed is partnered with a dedicated Muslim name Abdul as part of a plan by the chief of police in order to be reelected again. However these two cops stumble on a series of violations made by Islamaphobic cops who prey on Arabs and Sisters in Niqab. It’s up to these two cops to make a decision to be dedicated to Islam or Dedicated to their job. This Film stars Omar Regan, Baba Ali, YaztheSpaz, TrueStoryAsa, Joshua Salaam, Junaid Jamshed, Amina Matthews, Freeway, Amir Sulaiman, Quadir Lateef and many more….

Common Daily Mistakes Exploited by Shaitan


By: Abdul-Baseer

Our lives can seem like a whirlwind of hectic, chaotic, unpredictable situations and occurrences that keep us . Struggling to do what we need to do to maintain our obedience to  Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala and surviving in a complex world at the same can be very difficult.  Yet, we all have patterns, habits and daily routines we fall into as we maintain some stability, sanity and normality to our lives.  The longer one makes daily mistakes, the more harder it will get to survive Shaitan’s trappings; making his temptations difficult to resist and easier to fall into.

The various addictions Shaitan wants to trap a person can move from one level to the next. An addiction locks one into a vice, sin or foul activity. Without the ability to escape from shaitan’s trappings, we are unable to free ourselves, making us not only slaves of Shaitan, but we might also end up working to spread his foul causes and agendas.

So clearly the first step one should take is to stop Shaitan in his tracks before any of these weakening factors occur.  Then turning to the Qur’an and the Sunnah will answer the to avoid each pitfall.

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How to Attain Humility…and Why

Close-up of human hands holding an apple


By: Ibtihal Al-Khalifin

How do we claim to hate Iblees yet continue to follow his ways? ‘ and pride were the reasons why shaytan was expelled from paradise. Do not let it be the reason for you not gaining an entrance.’

is a much-needed characteristic for all Muslims. Being modest is one of the most crucial traits of a person. We need to acknowledge our own defects and willingly submit to the commandments of Allah swt . The messenger of Allah, Mohammed SAW , was known for his incredible humility and grace. He used to be humble with his companions, at home and with everyone he met.

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