Blog Archives

Hamza Tzortzis – Transforming our Hearts (Video)

Hamza Tzortzis On Dutch National Convertsday (Video)

info-pictogram1 Brother Hamza Tzortzis speaking on 6th National Convertsday in The Netherlands. March 2013.

Hamza Tzortzis: How to give Dawah in two minutes (Video)

info-pictogram1 877-Why-Islam releases video by Hamza Tzortzis on how to give invite everyone to worship One and only One God. This video talks about both situations when someone asks you a question about Islam or you approach someone to explain your faith.

Hamza Tzortzis: There are no women on planet earth! (Video)

Hamza Tzortzis: 87,500,000 Killed – Real Terrorism (Video)


Hamza Tzortzis: The Qur’an has Syriac or Aramaic Origins!? (Video)