Blog Archives

The Origin of the Arabic Language Dawud Adib (Video)

The life of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab RA (Video)

The Life and Legacy of Malcolm X: with Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah and Imam Zaid Shakir (Video)

Ta’leef Collective presents, in its entirety, a lecture given by Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah and Imam Zaid Shakir on the life and legacy of our beloved leader and teacher Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz).

Is Shariah law harsh? – Nouman Ali Khan (Video)

This video is from Islamic Center of Irving, TX. Please support with your donation

History: French democracy in Algeria (Photos)


Les crimes de La france le pays des droits de l’homme, pays de la liberte et de la paix, pays de la liberte d’expression en Algerie.
The crimes of France, the country of human rights in Algeria.

Between 1830 and 1847

Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick: Christmas, Santa Claus and Islam (Video)

Documentary Teaser: The Legend of Timbuktu (Video)

MNM-TV presents a powerful documentary about the history and Islamic legacy of Africa. “The Legend of Timbuktu” tells about the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, who became the first Sub Saharan people to accept Islam. From great African leaders like Mansa Musa, who raised Timbuktu to new heights, to Mansa Abubakari, who crossed the Atlantic Ocean to America nearly 200 years before Cristopher Columbus – this critically acclaimed documentary explores African history like never before. – See more at:

Hamza Yusuf – Pre-Tazkirah Jumu’ah (Video)

Did you know the letter ‘J’ is no more than 600 years old?
