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By: Paul Joseph Watson

A Muslim in Canada decided to put ‘free speech’ to the test in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo shootings by joking about 9/11 and the Holocaust on Twitter. He is now the subject of a police investigation.

Hot dog seller Jerry Reddick took to the social media network yesterday to experiment with how far he could take freedom of expression, writing, “Let’s test just how free freedom of speech is when it’s not Muslims being disrespected.”

What followed was a series of tweets which were undoubtedly offensive but for many wouldn’t be construed as any more odious than material published by Charlie Hebdo.

Within hours of sending out the tweets, Reddick was reported to Halifax police and is now under investigation by authorities.

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By: Belal Khan

To understanding culture properly, see it as a combination of what we deem important coupled with how we implement it.

For example, respect to parents is something that’s seen as important in both cultures. But, the way that respect is applied is different.

In American society, you’re develop bonds of friendship with respect. However, overseas respect comes with treating them with authority, almost like a formal relationship. But, that won’t necessarily breed respect in an American setting.

So, how do we bridge the cultural gap between parents and kids, especially when they grew up in two different worlds?

Looking back at my childhood, I’m greatful for the fact that I have a close relationship with my parents. I believe the age difference between my parents and I had something to do with it, considering that most of my friends’ parents were much older.

A lot of my friends also lacked the experience of being told stories about their childhood, their families, and their siblings.

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“Slap her!”: children’s reactions (Video)

info-pictogram1 What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her? Here is how children react to the subject of violence against women.

Illustrated lesson: Nouman Ali Khan – You Don’t Have Free Time (Video)

More illustrated lessons…

Turkey is No. 1 in global humanitarian aid


Turkey is No.1 in the world for the provision of humanitarian aid, according to the 2013 report by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency released on Sunday.

Turkey managed $4.3 billion in humanitarian aid sent through its official channels and non-profit organizations around the world, and that amount, with respect to Turkey’s Gross National Product, ranks it as first in the world. Countries are ranked in the report by the amount of aid provided with respect to the country’s GNP.

The report explains that the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency played an important role in conducting Turkey’s “soft power” foreign policy.

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The Deen Show: Jewish Rabbi – How Islam and Muslims treated Jews and the real threat to world peace (Video)

info-pictogram1 Jewish Rabbi tells the world about how Muslims treated the Jews with kindness and respect when Jews would run to escape Christian persecution into the Muslim lands. The Jewish Rabbi also goes on to explain the real threat to Jews, Muslims and World Peace.

Some beneficial points covered :
1.The facts about how Muslims really treated Jews in history
2. How Jews ran away for Christian persecution and were always welcomed in the Muslim lands
3. Difference between Real Judaism vs Zionism
4.How majority of Religious Jews hate Zionism
5. Provides evidence to all his statements
6. How there are fake puppet leaders
7. How they twist the truth
All this and more on this weeks show.
More episodes…

Echoes of Peace between Muslim and Christian


By: Agape Wo Dal


Like every other Christian on the West side of the world, I knew little of the Muslin world, except what was portrait by the media. September 11, 2001 awakened us to the existence of the Muslim world by bringing fear in the hearts of westerners. Many of us became suspicious of anyone from the Middle East.

This story however is not about the world. It’s about how one Jordanian Muslim.

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An eternal bride


The pleasure Hadhrat Ādam must have felt when he saw a woman next to him as he awoke from a deep slumber, during which Allāh created a ‘mate’ for him from his body, is absolutely beyond our grasp. This mate called ‘Hawwā’ was a very special gift that Allāh presented to the first man of the human race.

However, men in all ages have continued to receive such a gift throughout the human history and will carry on getting the same till the Day of Qiyāmāh. Muslim men are bestowed this gift by virtue of a ceremony known as ‘Nikāh’. A Nikāh is sacred social contract between the bride and the groom. This contract is a strong covenant (Mithāqan Ghalizā) as expressed in Quran in Surāh An-Nisā  Āyat 21.

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Nigeria: court upholds hijab ban in school, Muslims outraged


A Nigerian court last Friday said the Lagos local government had acted correctly in banning Muslim headscarves (hijab) at public schools, a ruling that drew the ire of the city’s Muslim community, which has vowed to appeal the decision.

“The prohibition of the wearing of hijab over school uniforms within and outside the premises of public schools was not discriminatory,” Justice Modupe Onyeabor of a Lagos high court ruled on Friday.

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