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Following the shocking murders in Paris, condemned by Muslims all over the world, and subsequent moves to depict the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once again,Imams from around the world have come together to issue the following advice to those concerned about the depiction.

1.    For Muslims, love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is a NECESSARY part of our FAITH. He is dearer to us than our parents and children. We prefer him to our own self.

2.    Accordingly we regret and are naturally hurt by the depiction of our Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace), a great personality held in high esteem by 1.8 billion Muslims and millions more, in such a manner.

3.    Muslims do believe in freedom of speech. And they do respect the right for people to say what they believe to be correct. However, freedom of speech should not be translated in to a duty to offend. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that absolute freedom of speech does not exist. There are laws to protect the dignity and properties of people. We urge governments, civil society and our media to foster a culture of mutual respect and unity, not one of division and disdain.

4.    Most Muslims will inevitably be hurt, offended and upset by the republication of the cartoons. But our reaction must be a reflection of the teachings of the gentle and merciful character of the Prophet (peace be upon him).  Enduring patience, tolerance, gentleness and mercy as was the character of our beloved Prophet (peace and Blessings be upon him) is the best and immediate way to respond. With dignified nobility we must be restrained, as the Qur’an says “And when the ignorant speak to them, they say words of Peace.”

Our aim is to not, inadvertently, give the cartoons more prominence through our attention. Muslims must remain calm and peaceful in their speech and actions. Repel harm with goodness is the Qur’anic imperative and by which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived. If we feel strongly, the only course of action to us is with reasoned debate, civil activism and other legal avenues, God willing.

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5 parenting tips every Muslim father and mother must know



Not all parents are the best at parenting. It is true that some parents know more than other when it comes to parenting, but that does not mean that all parents know everything there is to know about parenting. Parenting is an extremely hard task, which is the reason why most parents face a number of different problems while going through the initial stages of parenthood. Well, parents want to know about parenting pointers or parenting tips in order to improve their parenting methods and in order to make sure that they are travelling on the right path in terms of parenting.

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Social Experiment: How hearing Quran affects people’s hearts? (Video)

info-pictogram1 877-Why-Islam did a unique social experiment by having people listen to Quran on the streets. Watch this video to find out the reaction and their observations. Quran is the holy book revealed by All Merciful God (Allah) to the last Prophet – Mohammad (peace be upon him). For 1400 years, the book has been preserved. Millions have it memorized, and billions follow it!

Muhammad al Muqit – ‘Prison is either Paradise or Hell’ (Audio w/ English subtitles)


GAZA: The Last 24 Hours (Video)

info-pictogram1 After 10 days of relative calm, Israeli-Gaza negotiations have broken down and the Israeli military tried to assassinate the commander of Hamas’ military wing, Muhammad Deif.

Gaza conflict: Israel and Hamas begin 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire

Shelling continued in the Gaza Strip minutes before the ceasefire began at 8am local time and four Palestinians reported killed by Israeli tank fire

Mideast Israel PalestiniansAn Israeli tank advances in a staging area near the Israel-Gaza border on Thursday. Photograph: Tsafrir Abayov/AP

By: Harriet Sherwood, Jason Burke and Paul Lewis


A tense ceasefire has officially come into effect in Gaza after Israel and Hamas agreed to a 72-hour pause in their three-week conflict. The United States and United Nations brokered the temporary truce to allow for humanitarian relief and bring both sides to the table for talks on a longer-term halt to hostilities.

After a night of heavy bombardment, shelling continued in the Gaza Strip and rocket fire from Hamas hit Israel minutes before the ceasefire began at 8am on Friday local time. An Israeli army spokesman said it was looking into reports four Palestinians were killed and 15 wounded by tank fire nearly two hours after the truce began.

Delegations from Israel and Palestine are due to convene in Cairo for negotiations to be mediated by the Egyptian government.

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The problem does not get resolved by getting angry, the solution comes when you learn to calm the mind to see clearly.

gb copy The problem does not get resolved by getting angry, the solution comes when you learn to calm the mind to see clearly.
es copy El problema no se resuelve por enojarse, la solución viene cuando aprendes a calmar la mente para ver con claridad.
nl copy Het probleem wordt niet opgelost door boos te worden, komt de oplossing wanneer je leert om de geest te kalmeren om duidelijk te zien.
fr copy Le problème ne se résolu par se mettre en colère, la solution vient quand vous apprenez à calmer l’esprit de voir clairement.
de copy Das Problem tritt nicht immer wütend gelöst bekommen, die Lösung kommt, wenn Sie lernen, den Geist zu beruhigen, klar zu sehen.
CN67867 Wèntí bù dédào yóu shēngqì jiějué, jiějué de bànfǎ shì dāng nǐ xuéhuì xīnjìng kàn qīngchu.
Sweden Problemet blir inte löst genom att bli arg, kommer lösningen när du lär dig att lugna sinnet att se klart.
rus7897 Problema ne razreshayutsya putem serdit’sya , resheniye prikhodit , kogda vy uznayete , chtoby uspokoit’ um, chtoby videt’ yasno.
4523turkey Açıkça görmek için zihin sakin öğrenmek zaman sorun sinirlenen tarafından çözüldü almaz, çözüm geliyor.
images Il problema non viene risolto da arrabbiarsi, la soluzione arriva quando si impara a calmare la mente di vedere chiaramente.
indonesiaID Masalahnya tidak bisa diselesaikan dengan marah, solusinya datang ketika Anda belajar untuk menenangkan pikiran untuk melihat dengan jelas.

Stop taking things personal, this is the root to most of your problems, if you become calm with life, peace will prevail.

gb copy Stop taking things personal, this is the root to most of your problems, if you become calm with life, peace will prevail.
es copy Deje de tomar las cosas personales, esta es la raíz de la mayoría de sus problemas, si se queda tranquilo con la vida, la paz prevalecerá.
nl copy Stoppen met het nemen van dingen persoonlijk, dit is de wortel van de meeste van uw problemen, als je rustig met leven, zal er vrede heersen.
fr copy Cessez de prendre les choses personnelles, c’est la racine de la plupart de vos problèmes, si vous devenez calme avec la vie, la paix prévaudra.
de copy Beenden Sie die Einnahme persönliche Dinge, das ist die Wurzel, die meisten Ihrer Probleme, wenn Sie Ruhe mit Leben zu werden, wird Frieden herrschen.
CN67867 Tíng fú gèrén de shìqíng, zhè shì gēnběn shàng dà bùfèn de wèntí, rúguǒ nǐ biàn de píngjìng de shēnghuó, hépíng jiāng zhàn shàng fēng.
Sweden Sluta ta saker personligt, det är roten till de flesta av dina problem om du blir lugn med livet, kommer fred råda.
rus7897 Prekratite prinimat’ veshchi lichnogo, eto koren’ , chtoby bol’shinstvo vashikh problem , yesli vy stanete spokoynym s zhizn’yu , mir budet preobladat’.
4523turkey Kişisel şeyler alarak durdurmak, bu hayat ile sakin kalırsanız, barış hakim olacak, senin sorunların en köküdür.
images Smettere di prendere le cose personali, questa è la radice per la maggior parte dei vostri problemi, se si diventa calma con la vita, la pace prevarrà.
indonesiaID Berhenti mengambil hal-hal pribadi, ini adalah akar sebagian besar masalah Anda, jika Anda menjadi tenang dengan kehidupan, perdamaian akan menang.

I shall stay calm in moments of stress & anxiety, so as to allow positive thoughts & actions to manifest from me.

gb copy I shall stay calm in moments of stress & anxiety, so as to allow positive thoughts & actions to manifest from me.
es copy Voy a mantener la calma en momentos de estrés y ansiedad, con el fin de permitir que los pensamientos y las acciones positivas que se manifiesten de mí.
nl copy Ik zal kalm blijven in momenten van stress en angst, zodat de positieve gedachten en acties te manifesteren van mij.
fr copy Je vais rester calme dans les moments de stress et d’anxiété, de manière à permettre des pensées et des actions positives de manifester de moi.
de copy Ich werde in Momenten der Angst & Stress ruhig zu bleiben, um zu ermöglichen, positive Gedanken und Handlungen, von mir zu manifestieren.
CN67867 Wǒ huì bǎochí lěngjìng de yālì hé jiāolǜ de shíkè, zhèyàng cáinéng ràng jījí de sīxiǎng hé xíngdòng, cóng wǒ lái tǐxiàn.
Sweden Jag ska vara lugn i stunder av stress och ångest, så att positiva tankar och handlingar att manifestera från mig.
rus7897 YA budu sokhranyat’ spokoystviye v momenty stressa i trevogi , s tem chtoby pozvolit’ pozitivnyye mysli i deystviya , chtoby proyavit’ ot menya.
4523turkey Pozitif düşünceler ve eylemler benden tezahür izin verecek kadar ben, stres ve anksiyete anlarında sakin kalmak zorundadır.
images Io mantenere la calma nei momenti di stress e ansia, in modo da consentire i pensieri e le azioni positive di manifestare da me.
indonesiaID Saya akan tetap tenang di saat-saat stres & kecemasan, sehingga memungkinkan pikiran & tindakan positif untuk mewujudkan dariku.