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Documentary: World War One Through Arab Eyes – Episode 3: The New Middle East (Video)

Episode 1 | Episode 2

info-pictogram1 Episode three covers the secret Sykes-Picot agreement between Britain and France and the way the two imperial powers carved up the former Ottoman Empire between them, regardless of the rights and demands of rights and nationalist movements across the Arab world.

Despite the Egyptian Revolution and the Iraq Uprising, Arab subservience to Ottoman rule was replaced by a series of mandates across the region in which Britain and France seized control of the areas they prized most – to satisfy their own ambitions, interests and ultimately to gain access to region’s valuable oil resources.

The war gave birth to the Turkish nationalist movement which led to the founding of the modern Turkish state; and to Zionism, aided greatly by the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The Treaty of Versaillles, however, was referred to by one German-Ottoman military leader not as a peace but as ‘a twenty year armistice’ – and so it proved …
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Kolmanskop, Namib Desert - 30 Abandoned Places that Look Truly Beautiful

info-pictogram1 In 1908, a railroad worker found a glittering diamond sitting on top of sand. The Germans came to get rich quick which is why the Kolmanskop (Kolmannskuppe) village has such a German-influenced architectural style. As you can see, the houses in Kolmanskop are derelict and appear to be sinking in the hot desert sand.

info-pictogram1 (Afrikaans for Coleman’s hill, German: Kolmannskuppe) is a ghost town in the Namib desert in southern Namibia, a few kilometres inland from the port town of Lüderitz. It was named after a transport driver named Johnny Coleman who, during a sand storm, abandoned his ox wagon on a small incline opposite the settlement. Once a small but very rich mining village, it is now a popular tourist destination run by the joint firm NamDeb (Namibia-De Beers).

Amazing Story of a young German boy who accepted ISLAM

My name is Yahya Schroder

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I am a “European” Muslim.

I became Muslim when I was 17.

I am living now in Potsdam, Germany and I want to share my experience with you as a Muslim in a non-Muslim state.

As a convert to Islam, I think it’s much easier to follow the deen (religion) than a born Muslim who is been raised up here.

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Nouman Ali Khan: Why Allah swt Made us Different (Video)

info-pictogram1 Lecture during brother Nouman Ali Khan’s Tour of Germany! this is just the English part taken from the complete lecture other parts of which comprised Arabic and German!
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I shall stay calm in moments of stress & anxiety, so as to allow positive thoughts & actions to manifest from me.

gb copy I shall stay calm in moments of stress & anxiety, so as to allow positive thoughts & actions to manifest from me.
es copy Voy a mantener la calma en momentos de estrés y ansiedad, con el fin de permitir que los pensamientos y las acciones positivas que se manifiesten de mí.
nl copy Ik zal kalm blijven in momenten van stress en angst, zodat de positieve gedachten en acties te manifesteren van mij.
fr copy Je vais rester calme dans les moments de stress et d’anxiété, de manière à permettre des pensées et des actions positives de manifester de moi.
de copy Ich werde in Momenten der Angst & Stress ruhig zu bleiben, um zu ermöglichen, positive Gedanken und Handlungen, von mir zu manifestieren.
CN67867 Wǒ huì bǎochí lěngjìng de yālì hé jiāolǜ de shíkè, zhèyàng cáinéng ràng jījí de sīxiǎng hé xíngdòng, cóng wǒ lái tǐxiàn.
Sweden Jag ska vara lugn i stunder av stress och ångest, så att positiva tankar och handlingar att manifestera från mig.
rus7897 YA budu sokhranyat’ spokoystviye v momenty stressa i trevogi , s tem chtoby pozvolit’ pozitivnyye mysli i deystviya , chtoby proyavit’ ot menya.
4523turkey Pozitif düşünceler ve eylemler benden tezahür izin verecek kadar ben, stres ve anksiyete anlarında sakin kalmak zorundadır.
images Lo mantenere la calma nei momenti di stress e ansia, in modo da consentire i pensieri e le azioni positive di manifestare da me.
indonesiaID Saya akan tetap tenang di saat-saat stres & kecemasan, sehingga memungkinkan pikiran & tindakan positif untuk mewujudkan dariku.

Misunderstandings come when you rush to conclusions, your understanding should open like a flower to the sun of truth.

gb copy Misunderstandings come when you rush to conclusions, your understanding should open like a flower to the sun of truth.
es copy Los malentendidos vienen cuando te lanzas a conclusiones, su comprensión debe abrirse como una flor al sol de la verdad.
nl copy Misverstanden komen wanneer je haast om conclusies, uw begrip zou moeten openen als een bloem naar de zon van de waarheid.
fr copy Malentendus viennent quand vous vous précipitez à des conclusions, votre compréhension devrait ouvrir comme une fleur au soleil de la vérité.
de copy Missverständnisse kommen, wenn Sie Schlussfolgerungen eilen, Ihr Verständnis, sollte wie eine Blume der Sonne der Wahrheit zu öffnen.
CN67867 误解,当你匆忙下结论来,你的理解应该开像一朵花,以真理的太阳。
Sweden Missförstånd komma när du rusa till slutsatser, din förståelse bör öppna som en blomma till solen av sanning.
rus7897 Недоразумения приходят, когда вы торопитесь с выводами, ваше понимание должно открыть, как цветок к солнцу истины.

Be confident yet humble, for he who gets too far ahead of himself, is heading for a fall.

gb copy Be confident yet humble, for he who gets too far ahead of himself, is heading for a fall.
es copy Tenga confianza y humilde, porque el que se acerca demasiado lejos delante de sí mismo, se encamina a una caída.
nl copy Wees zelfverzekerd nog bescheiden, want wie het te ver krijgt voor zich, is op weg naar een daling.
fr copy Soyez confiant mais humble, car celui qui est trop loin de lui-même, se dirige vers une chute.
de copy Seien Sie zuversichtlich, noch bescheiden, denn wer zu weit vor sich selbst bekommt, steuert auf ein Herbst.
CN67867 要自信但謙遜,因為他誰得到太超前的自己,是走向衰落。
Sweden Var självsäker men ändå ödmjuk, för den som blir för långt före sig själv, är på väg mot en nedgång.
rus7897 Будьте уверены в себе еще ​​скромный, ибо тот, кто получает слишком далеко впереди себя, идет к осени.

The way forwards is with love in your heart, the way backwards, is full of hate, anger & arrogance.

gb copy The way forward is with love in your heart, the way backwards, is full of hate, anger and arrogance.
es copy El camino a seguir es con amor en su corazón, el camino hacia atrás, está lleno de odio, ira y arrogancia.
nl copy De weg vooruit is met liefde in je hart, de weg terug, is vol met haat, woede en arrogantie.
fr copy La voie à suivre est l’amour dans votre cœur, la voie vers l’arrière, est plein de haine, de colère et d’arrogance.
de copy Der Weg nach vorn ist mit Liebe im Herzen, der Weg nach hinten, ist voll von Hass, Wut und Arroganz.
CN67867 前进的道路是用爱在你的心脏,后仰的方式,充满了仇恨,愤怒和傲慢。
Sweden Vägen framåt är med kärlek i ditt hjärta, vägen tillbaka, är full av hat, ilska och arrogans.
rus7897 Путь вперед с любовью в сердце, то, как назад, полна ненависти, гнева и высокомерия.

Every problem has a solution, deep at the root lies your answer, if you look closer you will see.

gb copy Every problem has a solution, deep at the root lies your answer, if you look closer you will see.
es copy Cada problema tiene una solución, en el fondo se encuentra en la raíz de su respuesta, si usted mira más cerca usted verá.
nl copy Elk probleem heeft een oplossing, diep aan de wortel ligt je antwoord, als je beter kijkt kun je het zien.
fr copy Chaque problème a une solution, profonde à l’origine se trouve votre réponse, si vous regardez de plus près vous verrez.
de copy Jedes Problem hat eine Lösung, tief an der Wurzel liegt die Antwort, wenn man genauer hinschaut, wird sehen.