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More than 2,800 embraced ‪‎Islam‬ in ‪Dubai‬ last year



More than 2,800 people from 91 nationalities embraced Islam in 2014, the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai (IACAD) said.

The New Muslims Section in IACAD said 2014 witnessed the conversion of 2,815 people to Islam, 2,047 of whom were women, while the remaining 768 were men.
‘IACAD works in light of the vision of His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, that Dubai becomes a beacon of peace and religious tolerance, and an example of coexistence,’ Dr. Omar Al Khateeb, CEO of Islamic Affairs Sector in IACAD, said.
The department dedicates resources to New Muslims Section’s projects. Its projects include specially designed programmes and various activities, which are held not only in the department’s buildings and Islamic centres, but also in clubs, shopping malls, and other public sites. And there are also the printed and electronic publications that focus on Islam’s teachings and its moderate and global message.

Documentary: Crude harvest – Selling Mexico’s oil (Video)

info-pictogram1 Mexico may be hitting the perfect storm when it opens its energy resources to foreign investors.
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Sh. Khalid Yasin: Critical Issues Facing Humanity (Video)

info-pictogram1 The world is facing some serious challenges these days! The vast majority of the world’s population is living in poverty, while a few people are enjoying the world’s recourses. People who are able to work are without jobs because they are hustling the governments for money. The elite of the world are subjugating the world poor countries with usury based debts. Syria is being bombarded by the evil terror-regime of Bashar Assad. Muslims are frustrated and want the return of the Khilafa to bring back justice, so they travel to Iraq and join ISIS in hope of a better future. What can we do to solve these and many more critical issues facing humanity? Listen to Sh. Khalid Yasin in his amazing proposal for the world in this insightful lecture.
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“Poverty is planned by the smooth criminals.”

Could Islamic Finance rescue the global economy?



By: Harris Irfan

Is there a place for ethics and morality in the global economy? Should we continue to rely on governments to tweak at the margins of financial regulation, or is there a credible argument that a root and branch reformation is required – a revolution in capitalism?

Anthropologist and co-founder of the Occupy Wall Street movement David Graeber believes – along with an increasing number of leading intellectuals – that the world’s reliance on our current banking system has had a catastrophic impact on society, leading to an increasing divide between rich and poor, an increase in contemporary versions of debt bondage, and perpetuating the idea that credit creation is a mark of human progress.

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10 Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You To Know



It’s almost 2015, and every single year more and more people are starting to question the information presented to them from mainstream western media outlets, and for good reason. What we are often presented with by corporate media, especially when it comes to political issues and war overseas is a twist of what’s really happening and sometimes even a fabrication of the story.

One great example is the “terrorist” group Al-Qaeda, it’s well documented that this group was supported and possibly created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Not long ago an FBI whistleblower expressed her belief that the United States is reviving the terror scare with ISIS to promote and revive the terror war industry.

Here is a video of US four-star General Wesley Clark pretty much alluding to the same thing. One of the best examples to date were the tragic events that took place on 9/11. Other great examples are the acquisitions and territory take-overs for ulterior motives. The list goes on and on.

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Documentary: World War One Through Arab Eyes – Episode 3: The New Middle East (Video)

Episode 1 | Episode 2

info-pictogram1 Episode three covers the secret Sykes-Picot agreement between Britain and France and the way the two imperial powers carved up the former Ottoman Empire between them, regardless of the rights and demands of rights and nationalist movements across the Arab world.

Despite the Egyptian Revolution and the Iraq Uprising, Arab subservience to Ottoman rule was replaced by a series of mandates across the region in which Britain and France seized control of the areas they prized most – to satisfy their own ambitions, interests and ultimately to gain access to region’s valuable oil resources.

The war gave birth to the Turkish nationalist movement which led to the founding of the modern Turkish state; and to Zionism, aided greatly by the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The Treaty of Versaillles, however, was referred to by one German-Ottoman military leader not as a peace but as ‘a twenty year armistice’ – and so it proved …
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Nneka Lucia Egbuna talks about politics in Africa (Video)

Documentary: Inside the Garbage of the World (Video)

info-pictogram1 We’re living on a beautiful planet and as a human race we’ve been here for thousands of years. Our planet didn’t need to be protected; life was flourishing on its own, with its own agenda. However for the past 100 years we’ve made a tremendous impact with our footprint due to the growth of world population and the industrialization of our everyday life. Economy, profit and capitalization became more important than respecting our planet and an ancient knowledge to advance a new way of life.
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India’s School Under The Bridge (Video)

info-pictogram1 For many children in India, a free and compulsory education is out of reach. Volunteer teachers like Rajesh Sharma are trying to fill this void. See his journey from store manager to managing an open-air school in New Delhi, India with no money or resources.