Blog Archives

Documentary: Inside the Garbage of the World (Video)

info-pictogram1 We’re living on a beautiful planet and as a human race we’ve been here for thousands of years. Our planet didn’t need to be protected; life was flourishing on its own, with its own agenda. However for the past 100 years we’ve made a tremendous impact with our footprint due to the growth of world population and the industrialization of our everyday life. Economy, profit and capitalization became more important than respecting our planet and an ancient knowledge to advance a new way of life.
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Documentary: The Price of the World Cup (Video)

info-pictogram1 Brazil is the home ground of football, the place where football isn’t just a game but a lifestyle. In June, Brazil will be invaded by hundreds of thousands football enthusiasts when the World Cup, the biggest sporting event in the world, will be held in twelve cities throughout the country. The final will be in Rio de Janeiro.
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Why do we have wars? (IMAGE)


Why do we have wars?: “Because we are ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own the banks that control the governments and media. They fund both sides of war for profit and they manufacture the consent of the public through the propagenda of the media.