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Aleister Crowley & the real danger behind Pop celebrities & Music (Video)

info-pictogram1 Very fascinating topic that everybody in the world should watch, especially if you are a ‪#‎Music‬ lover and listen to anyone of these celebrity musicians such as the Beetles‬,Rihanna‬, Led Zeppelin‬, ‪‎Marilyn Manson‬,‪ Nicki Minaj‬, Eminem‬, ‪‎Jay-Z‬, ‪#Beyonce‬, ‪‎Katy Perry‬, ‪‎Bon Jovi‬, Kid Rock‬,‪ ‎50 Cent‬, or anyone else not mentioned but that sings the same tune.
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Documentary: The Road to World War 3 (Video)

info-pictogram1 We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades.
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Finding the truth and challenging the myths behind Israel’s agression


By: Jess Mouneimne


I wasn’t always a pro-Palestinian Muslim. Seven years ago I was a Star of David-wearing Zionist Jew.

I lived in the Jewish stronghold of Sea Point and eagerly disposed of my spare change by contributing to the blue tin that an elderly lady would shake all day in front of Checkers. She said I was doing my bit to plant trees in Israel. That felt good. I’d visited Israel and loved the country.

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Anthony Hopkins about Israel


Russell Brand: What’s Behind These 2014 Commercials? (Video)

info-pictogram1 Episode 98 of The Trews examines three very popular commercials from 2014 to uncover what’s behind their message.

Documentary: The Price of the World Cup (Video)

info-pictogram1 Brazil is the home ground of football, the place where football isn’t just a game but a lifestyle. In June, Brazil will be invaded by hundreds of thousands football enthusiasts when the World Cup, the biggest sporting event in the world, will be held in twelve cities throughout the country. The final will be in Rio de Janeiro.
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The real reason behind Israel’s brutalizing Gaza


By: Robert Fisk


OK, so by this afternoon, the exchange rate of death in two days was 40-0 in favour of Israel. But now for the Gaza story you won’t be hearing from anyone else in the next few hours.

It’s about land. The Israelis of Sederot are coming under rocket fire from the Palestinians of Gaza and now the Palestinians are getting their comeuppance. Sure. But wait, how come all those Palestinians – all 1.5 million – are crammed into Gaza in the first place? Well, their families once lived, didn’t they, in what is now called Israel? And got chucked out – or fled for their lives – when the Israeli state was created.

And – a drawing in of breath is now perhaps required – the people who lived in Sederot in early 1948 were not Israelis, but Palestinian Arabs. Their village was called Huj. Nor were they enemies of Israel. Two years earlier, these same Arabs had actually hidden Jewish Haganah fighters from the British Army. But when the Israeli army turned up at Huj on 31 May 1948, they expelled all the Arab villagers – to the Gaza Strip! Refugees, they became. David Ben Gurion (Israel’s first Prime Minister) called it an “unjust and unjustified action”. Too bad. The  Palestinians of Huj were never allowed back.

And today, well over 6,000 descendants of the Palestinians from Huj – now Sederot – live in the squalor of Gaza, among the “terrorists” Israel is claiming to destroy and who are shooting at what was Huj. Interesting story.

And same again for Israel’s right to self-defence. We heard it again today. What if the people of London were being rocketed like the people of Israel? Wouldn’t they strike back? Well yes, but we Brits don’t have more than a million former inhabitants of the UK cooped up in refugee camps over a few square miles around Hastings.

The last time this specious argument was used was in 2008, when Israel invaded Gaza and killed at least 1,100 Palestinians (exchange rate: 1,100 to 13). What if Dublin was under rocket attack, the Israeli ambassador asked then? But the UK town of Crossmaglen in Northern Ireland was under rocket attack from the Irish Republic in the 1970s – yet the RAF didn’t bomb Dublin in retaliation, killing Irish women and children. In Canada in 2008, Israel’s supporters were making the same fraudulent point. What if the people of Vancouver or Toronto or Montreal were being rocket-attacked from the suburbs of their own cities? How would they feel? But the Canadians haven’t pushed the original inhabitants of Canadian territory into refugee camps.

And now let’s cross to the West Bank. First of all, Benjamin Netanyahu said he couldn’t talk to Palestinian “President” Mahmoud Abbas because he didn’t also represent Hamas. Then when Abbas formed a unity government, Netanyahu said he couldn’t talk to Abbas because he had unified himself with the “terrorist” Hamas. Now he says he can only talk to him if he breaks with Hamas – even though he won’t then represent Hamas.

Meanwhile, that great leftist Israeli philosopher Uri Avnery – 90 years old and still, thankfully, going strong – has picked up on his country’s latest obsession: the danger that Isis will storm west from its Iraqi/Syrian “caliphate” and arrive on the east bank of the Jordan river.

“And Netanyahu said,” according to Avnery, “if they are not stopped by the permanent Israeli garrison there (on the Jordan river), they will appear at the gates of Tel Aviv.” The truth, of course, is that the Israeli air force would have crushed Isis the moment it dared to cross the Jordanian border from Iraq or Syria.

The importance of this, however, is that if Israel keeps its army on the Jordan (to protect Israel from Isis), a future “Palestine” state will have no borders and will be an enclave within Israel, surrounded on all sides by Israeli-held territory.

“Much like the South African Bantustans,” says Avnery. In other words, no “viable” state of Palestine will ever exist. After all, aren’t Isis just the same as Hamas? Of course not, that’s not what we heard from Mark Regev, Netanyahu’s spokesman. No, what he told Al Jazeera was that Hamas was “an extremist terrorist organisation not very different from Isis in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Boko Haram…” Tosh. Hezbollah is a Shia militia now fighting to the death inside Syria against the Sunni Muslims of Isis. And Boko Haram – thousands of kilometres from Israel – is not a threat to Tel Aviv.

But you get the point. The Palestinians of Gaza – and please forget, forever, the 6,000 Palestinians whose families come from the land of Sederot – are allied to the tens of thousands of Islamists threatening Maliki of Baghdad, Assad of Damascus or President Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja. Even more to the point, if Isis is heading towards the edge of the West Bank, why is the Israeli government still building colonies there – illegally, and on Arab land – for Israeli civilians?

This is not just about the foul murder of three Israelis in the occupied West Bank or the foul murder of a Palestinian in occupied East Jerusalem. Nor about the arrest of many Hamas militants and politicians in the West Bank.  Nor about rockets. As usual, it’s about land.

Dramatic: Indian villagers corner leopard, big cat strikes back (Video)

info-pictogram1 A frightened leopard bites a man on the behind after being cornered in the west Indian village of Ballarpur, Maharashtra. The animal was reportedly captured by the forest department and subsequently released into the wild. The incident comes amid a rash of human encounters with Leopards, both in Chandrapur and elsewhere in India, according to NDTV. Indian Leopard habitat is under threat from expanding agricultural land-use and the species is about to be listed is ‘vulnerable’.

Love should be the reason behind everything you do, if it is not, you should question why you are doing it.

gb copy Love should be the reason behind everything you do, if it is not, you should question why you are doing it.
es copy El amor debe ser la razón detrás de todo lo que haces, si no es así, usted debe cuestionar por qué lo estás haciendo.
nl copy Liefde zou de reden achter alles wat je doet, als het niet is, moet je vragen waarom je het doet.
fr copy L’amour devrait être la raison derrière tout ce que vous faites, si elle n’est pas, vous devriez demander pourquoi vous le faites.
de copy Liebe sollte der Grund für alles, was Sie tun können, wenn es nicht ist, sollten Sie sich fragen, warum Sie es tun.
CN67867 Ài yīnggāi shì nǐ bèihòu suǒ zuò de yīqiè de yuányīn, rúguǒ bùshì, nǐ yīnggāi wèn nǐ wèishéme zhèyàng zuò.
Sweden Kärlek bör vara orsaken bakom allt du gör, om det inte är, bör du fråga varför du gör det.
rus7897 Lyubov’ dolzhna byt’ prichina , chto vy delayete , yesli eto ne tak, vy dolzhny sprosit’, pochemu vy delayete eto .
4523turkey Aşk o değilse bunu neden yapıyorsun, sen soru gerektiğini, bunu her şeyin arkasında nedeni olmalıdır.
images L’amore dovrebbe essere il motivo dietro tutto quello che fai, se non lo è, si dovrebbe in discussione perché si sta facendo.
indonesiaID Cinta harus menjadi alasan di balik semua yang Anda lakukan, jika tidak, Anda harus mempertanyakan mengapa Anda melakukannya.