5 Islamic Tips To Improve Focus, Fight Procrastination, And Increase Efficiency

Do You Want To Improve Your Focus As A Muslim?

Source: http://islamiclearningmaterials.com/


Do you want to fight procrastination? Would you like to increase your efficiency?

Many Muslims are stricken with the twin evils of laziness and procrastination. These twin sisters kill productivity and endanger our ability to increase our Islam and Imaan.

To be a good Muslim, and to truly please Allah takes work.

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Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Challenges ISIS


Source: patheos.com

By: Kamran Memon

On September 12, 2014, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, a prominent American Muslim scholar, gave a Friday sermon on ISIS. People are clearly interested in what Shaykh Hamza has to say regarding ISIS; the sermon has been viewed on YouTube more than 190,000 times, with more than 1,100 positive and negative comments, in the past month.

Shaykh Hamza made several interesting points in his sermon. (My follow-up questions appear in italics. Please forgive the tough questions. I don’t mean any disrespect to Shaykh Hamza. I realize that he didn’t have time to address all these issues in one sermon. But such questions have to be answered by our scholars so that laypeople like me can understand what is going on in the world around us.)

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6 Tech Traps We All Fall Into (And How To Avoid Them)

By: Lindsay Holmes

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

Technology can be a beautiful thing: It connects us to our family across the country, it exposes us to captivating stories, real and fictional … but it also has its downsides.

Admittedly, we’re all a little guilty of indulging in our devices too often, whether it’s checking our texts one too many times while we’re out to dinner or just wasting precious minutes dissecting our old roommate’s new romance. Luckily, there are ways to avoid these pitfalls in order to approach life in a more mindful manner. Below are six tech traps we constantly get sucked into and how to fight your way out of them. Take that, smartphone addiction.

1. Snapping a picture of the moment instead of savoring it.


That sunset may be beautiful, but if you’re not truly enjoying it — without your phone — you may not really remember it. Research suggests that our phones aren’t the best cameras, our memories are. A 2013 study revealed that people who took photos of art remembered less about the work than those who just stopped to soak it all in. And while photos are an incredible way to preserve a memory, we shouldn’t be experiencing every important moment in our life through a screen. Next time, let the mind do the image capturing.

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The media and politicians have failed us in the fight against Islamophobia



By: Leticia Anderson

Many incidents of violence and harassment directed at Australian Muslims have been reported recently. These are visible confirmation of fears expressed by their community, that support for the government’s new security laws and military action in Iraq would be rallied with “racist caricatures of Muslims as backwards, prone to violence and inherently problematic”.

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Meet the Muslims who sacrificed themselves to save Jews and fight Nazis in World War II

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Source: washingtonpost.com

By: Michael Wolfe

Noor Inayat Khan led a very unusual life. She was born in 1914 to an Indian Sufi mystic of noble lineage and an American half-sister of Perry Baker, often credited with introducing yoga into America. As a child, she and her parents escaped the chaos of revolutionary Moscow in a carriage belonging to Tolstoy’s son. Raised in Paris in a mansion filled with her father’s students and devotees, Khan became a virtuoso of the harp and the veena, dressed in Western clothes, graduated from the Sorbonne and published a book of children’s tales — all before she was 25.

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British jihadists want to come home, say they made ‘mistake’


Source: metro.co.uk

British jihadist fighters have contacted a university in London to say they regret their decision to join Islamist extremists in the Middle East.

The jihadists, thought to be a 30-strong group, said they wanted to return home to Britain but were afraid they would be jailed if they did so.

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It is quite scary to know you’re changing but not know who you are becoming


By: Khalil Ismail

The process of waiting in your cocoon requires the ability to sit still in darkness without knowledge of where or when Allah will break you out. And it might seem that even prayer doesn’t quell your worry. And that may lessen your faith in prayer. But don’t lose faith in your prayers let alone give up on them. They don’t always take away the trial or make it easier. They do however serve the purpose of reinforcing the invisible protective material keeping your cocoon strong. Because metamorphosis is always the most vulnerable time in our lives. And where our heart and soul is more susceptible to damage. Don’t give up the fight. — #ConversationsWithMyself