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A Balanced, Just, Merciful yet Strong Muslim Leadership has to arise!

“Look at the quiet, power and balance in the Masjids of Northern Kazakhistan!” (Petropavl City Mosque)


By: Abdullah Hakim Quick

Islam was never established with vengeance, killing children, murdering innocent women, slaughtering prisoners, or being intolerant of other opinions (especially Scholars). Yes, drones are killing innocents, horrible torture is being used against us, lies are being spread about our Faith, “Manchurian Candidates” and third forces are committing evil in Islam’s name but we cannot fight evil with evil or unleash terror to counter terror. It is not the way of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who countered evil with righteous strength and balanced firmness. Revenge and hatred will only produce an endless cycle of madness and chaos.”
“Wake up Muslims before its too late! We have a dignified religion and excellent examples in our past. The Lion kills to survive, not out of vengeance and hatred for other animals. That’s why he (the lion) can sleep all day and nobody will bother him!!!”

FOX news “fair and balanced” addresses racism in America


This is probably one of the most hilarious and ironic things I’ve ever seen. FOX news “fair and balanced” addresses racism in America.‪#‎OneHumanity‬ – Omar Suleiman

In the face of hardships, real Muslims have Patience and never loose their Character!


By: Abdullah Hakim Quick

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: “Near the end of time, there will emerge a people who will be young in age and foolish. They will recite the Qur’an but it will not go further than their collarbones. They will quote the words of the best of mankind but they will pass out of Islam as the arrow passes out of the prey.” (Ahmad: Authentic)
May Allah guide our sincere youth who have gone to extremes back to the balanced path of Allah. May Allah save them from falling into the trap of the Khawaarij (Kharijites)! Never forget this word which Abi Chondro has drawn so beautifully. Real Islam brings beauty, humility, and kindness along with courage and strength. Reflect: SubhaanAllah!!!”

Position of the Heart



By: Bint Mirza

The Prophet SAW  said: “Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the .” (Saheeh Bukharee) 1

Unlike the belief of several doctors and philosophers who say that the function of the human heart is to merely pump blood throughout the human body, Qur’an emphasizes on the role of the human hearts in mental, emotional and spiritual decisions of man. Allah  Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taalamentions the heart or “qalb” in the Qur’an more than 130 times. Of these Qur’anic statements, some describe this sentient organ as having the capacity of being a center of reasoning, intentions and decision-making. Consequently, human hearts can either be healthy or diseased.

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US media finally acknowledges Gazans’ plight

Israel may fear results as for first time, jolted by social media, mainstream channels reveal true conditions in Gaza.


By: Patty Culhane


I sometimes wonder about how many businesses have been impacted by the invention of the Internet. Think about it, when we first started typing www, do you think any travel agents said well this is seriously going to kill my business? Did anyone envision the impact of what a store like Amazon would do to traditional business?

Who really thought well one day there will be a virtual store where I can buy costumes for my cat, laundry detergent and a blanket with sleeves. It’s changing something else that I truly never expected, the narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the US.

For the first time, I’ve seen the mainstream media actually devote a considerable amount of time describing not just the current fighting but the conditions that the people of Gaza live under.

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Nouman Ali Khan: A Balanced Approach To Religion (VIDEO)

audio_mp3_button A Balanced Approach To Religion [ 1:58:27 | 147,2 MB ]

info-pictogram1 Nouman Ali Khan a talk On A Balanced Approach to Religion(an excerpt), in New York City. Feb 21, 2014.
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Abdullah Hakim Quick: Applying a Balanced and Practical Islam (Video)

info-pictogram1 This is chapter 5. Watch the full lecture at: Buy the DVD, CD or Download at The Islam On Demand iPhone App:
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