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Documentary: Witness – Dust in the lung (Video)

info-pictogram1 One journalist is determined to help China’s millions of migrant workers suffering from the deadly black lung disease.
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Imam who was blinded in one eye after assault says he forgives attackers



Hull Daily Mail carries an interview with a local leader, Imam Hafiz Salik, who was blinded in one eye after a brutal attack more than a year ago.

Imam Salik, of the Hull mosque and Islamic centre, presented an alternative Christmas message in the local paper a few days ago in which he alluded to the attack last November.

Imam Salik was travelling in his car with his wife and daughter when a group of people stopped his car in the middle of the road, opened the driver’s door and punched him in the face before running off. Imam Salik suffered major injuries and has undergone several operations to his right eye though his vision is still severely impaired. Despite a police appeal for witnesses, the perpetrators have not been apprehended. Imam Salik’s son expressed concerns over the ‘stalled’ police investigation earlier this year prompting Humberside police to release CCTV images in an fresh attempt to identify the attackers.

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Hamza Yusuf: Its time to Change and wake up (Video)

Hamza Yusuf Lectures…

Imam Zaid Shakir spot on about those who turn a blind eye to oppression due to their hatred of certain groups


By: Imam Zaid Shakir

“Do not allow your hatred for a people move you to be unjust…” Qur’an 5:8

One of the sad realities of our age is the way some Muslims are allowing their hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood to justify atrocities to be committed against innocent people. We saw this during the massacres in the aftermath of the disposal of Muhammad Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically-elected president, when innocent people were shot in the streets like rabid dogs. Many of those killed at that time were not members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Some were defenders of the democratic process, some desired to be witnesses to the history of that moment, some were women and children who were there in support of their menfolk. In the eyes of some they were all guilty, deserving of death.

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UK government to block arms exports to Israel if military action resumes

Announcement comes after lengthy dispute between leading Tories and Liberal Democrats over restriction of arms sales

A girl sits on the ruins of her family's home in Gaza

A girl sits on the ruins of her family’s home that witnesses say was destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the Beit Hanoun neighbourhood of Gaza City Photograph: Siegfried Modola/Reuters

By: Rupert Neate


The British government will suspend some of its arms exports to Israel if hostilities resume in Gaza due to concerns that the British-made products could be used by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

The business department said a review of UK exports to Israel had identified the 12 licences for “components which could be part of equipment used by the Israel Defence Forces in Gaza“. They include equipment for military radar, combat aircraft and tanks.

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Never forget Al-Quds and the plight of the Palestinian People!


By: Abdullah Hakim Quick

As the world witnesses one of the most brutal assaults on a civilan population of the 21st century, we have to ask ourselves: Can we not do something to relieve the suffering? Are they not human beings? Symbols of resistance need to spring up all over the planet!
Here is a new “Masjid Al-Quds” being built in a place on the other side of the world from Palestine!!! Where is it? How can we be part of the solution and not the problem?”
Surely Allah will reach His purpose and He has made a measure for all things.” (Qur’an: 65:3)