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Terrorists do not know Islam! (Video)

Origin of the Hadra – Shaykh Babikir Babikir

Shaykh Babikir Ahmed Babikir explains importance and etiquette of dhikr as well as the history behind the Hadra practice.

Look What You’ve Built! America’s First Accredited Muslim College (Video)

Now There’s an Academic Address for Islam in America. Together, Let’s Make it Permanent, 



By: Haroon Moghul


Last week, The New York Times’ Rukmini Callimachi published “A Theology of Rape,” a report as important as it is horrifying. Unfortunately, like several recent exposés on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), including Graeme Wood’s website-busting What ISIS Really Wants, Callimachi’s reporting is unusually receptive to the movement’s claims. Namely, that plausible Islamic arguments can be made for slavery, rape, and other crimes.

In support of his own argument that ISIS isn’t just “Islamic,” but “very Islamic,” Wood cited Princeton academic Bernard Haykel who insists that anyone who denies ISIS’ Islamic authenticity is being disingenuous (who says this is never elaborated on). Wood then proceeded to analyze ISIS’ “Islamicity” based almost entirely on Haykel, several fringe Muslim scholars, ISIS sympathizers, and no mainstream voices.

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Bismillah – Clearing the Confusion



Basmalah (reciting Bismillah) which means “In the name of Allah”, has been an easy target for critics of Islam and has constantly been bombarded with illogical allegations. There stands a great need to clear out the very genuine queries which many non-muslim have regarding bismillah and also the need to answer all the allegations against it in order to stitch the mouth of all those illogical boasters who try and allege the authenticity of Islam.

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Only Wannabe Christian Muslims want to celebrate Christmas (Video)

info-pictogram1 An increasing number of Muslims want to celebrate Christmas as each year passes. As Sheikh Mumtaz ul Haq explains, these Muslims are more worried about pleasing the media and the Western society than they are with abiding to Islam. He calls these people “Supposed Muslims”, because they claim to be Muslims, yet have no respect for Allah, no respect for the Prophet Muhammad, and no respect for Islam.

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A Balanced, Just, Merciful yet Strong Muslim Leadership has to arise!

“Look at the quiet, power and balance in the Masjids of Northern Kazakhistan!” (Petropavl City Mosque)


By: Abdullah Hakim Quick

Islam was never established with vengeance, killing children, murdering innocent women, slaughtering prisoners, or being intolerant of other opinions (especially Scholars). Yes, drones are killing innocents, horrible torture is being used against us, lies are being spread about our Faith, “Manchurian Candidates” and third forces are committing evil in Islam’s name but we cannot fight evil with evil or unleash terror to counter terror. It is not the way of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who countered evil with righteous strength and balanced firmness. Revenge and hatred will only produce an endless cycle of madness and chaos.”
“Wake up Muslims before its too late! We have a dignified religion and excellent examples in our past. The Lion kills to survive, not out of vengeance and hatred for other animals. That’s why he (the lion) can sleep all day and nobody will bother him!!!”

Jihad: A Misunderstood Concept from Islam

By: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani (Chairman, Islamic Supreme Council of America), Shaykh Seraj Hendricks


It cannot be over-emphasized that Islam upholds the values of reason, balance and responsibility in the conduct of its worldly affairs. There is nothing arbitrary about its legal provisions relating to matters of war, peace, international relationships and the rule of law. In this area there is considerable agreement between Islamic law and the legal systems currently practiced throughout the world. In addition to the real possibility that these legal systems were profoundly influenced by the legal heritage of Islam, this commonality can be explained by the fact that the protection and endorsement of basic human rights form the cornerstone of Islamic legislation.

The international community has come to agree, through the institution of the United Nations, on a body of human rights and interests which Islam has always endorsed. This ought not to surprise anyone if the basic realism, rationality and pragmatism of Islamic law is recognized.

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Jihad: A Misunderstood Concept from Islam – History and Law

By: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani (Chairman, Islamic Supreme Council of America), Shaykh Seraj Hendricks


Jihad in History and Law

Let us now consider the nature of Jihad more fully as it appears in the history and law of Islam. Jihad in Arabic means “to strive for some objective”. Thus, the common assumption, that Jihad is combat, is incorrect. In fact Jihad, in its technical meaning, has several branches, among which are the combative forms of Jihad.

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