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Omar Suleiman – What’s In Your Ear Interview (Video)

info-pictogram1 Iesa Galloway interviews Omar Suleiman, the Imam of Masjid Abu Bakr Al-Siddique in New Orleans, LA, and a member of the ICNA Shariah Council.
Omar Suleiman lectures…

John Cusack: Hollywood is a Whorehouse Filled With Crazy People (Video)

info-pictogram1 Mark Dice is a media analyst, author, and political activist who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.

The world in solidarity with Palestine (IMAGE)


What a sight to see…The world in solidarity with Palestine… #FreePalestine

US girl shoots gun instructor in the head (Video)

info-pictogram1 The gun culture in the US is back in the spotlight after a nine-year-old girl accidentally shot and killed her instructor at an Arizona shooting range.The child was being shown how to fire the weapon, but lost control when it was switched to automatic.Al Jazeera’s Jennifer London reports from Los Angeles.

Four Cases Of Police Brutality And Racism You Need To Know (Video)

info-pictogram1 It’s been more than 20 years since the police beating of Rodney King led to the L.A. riots. More recently, protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, and all around the United States are furious over the police shooting of yet another unarmed black man — Michael Brown. AJ+ takes a look back at some of the most infamous police brutality cases that inform us now.

The Deen Show: Millionaire Preachers(Pimps) of LA with Former Christian Pastor who accepted Islam (Video)

info-pictogram1 A former Christian Pastor is on TheDeenShow this week to share his story. Don’t miss!
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