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Double explosions shake Homs children among the dead

Source: MWC News

At least 10 children are among 22 people killed in a twin bombings outside a primary school in the government-controlled city of Homs in central Syria.

A Syrian pro-government channel broadcast on Wednesday brief footage of the aftermath, showing parents looking for their children and schoolbags and bloodstains on the ground. Flames rose from a car nearby.

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To: an open mind and an open heart …


By: Abdullah Al-Qenaei



I do not intend to twist your mind or change your faith, my purpose and aim is to make you acquainted with the message of Islam for the sake of knowledge, and it is up to you whether to accept it or reject it. “There is no compulsion in religion; Truth stands out clearly from falsehood” [Quran 2:256]

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Muslim Hijab Linked To Less Negative Body Image Among Women



Though to Western women, Muslim women in the Mid-East and Asia seem oppressed because they have no choice in wearing a hijab, the Islamic head- and body-cover common in Muslim culture, studies have shown that Muslim women have a more positive body image.

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Zionism, BDS, and American Muslim Leadership


By: Zareena Grewal


Organizing American Muslims 

American Muslims are among the most diverse and heterogeneous national populations of Muslims in the world, made up of many different communities with different histories and priorities, yet American Muslim community leaders regularly refer to American Muslims as a singular community with a shared political agenda. Given the sociological fact of their diversity, consensus among American Muslims, particularly on controversial and divisive religious and political questions, is not a tenable goal. American Muslims do not need to achieve perfect consensus in order to effectively organize around particular political issues of shared concern and speak in a collective voice.

Consider the issue of racial/religious profiling. Although some American Muslims are more aggressively policed and profiled than others, a shared opposition to racial/religious profiling in principle allows American Muslim leaders to organize a diverse range of Muslim communities on this issue. Their collective opposition to racial/religious profiling certainly represents the perspective of the vast majority of American Muslims, although there are American Muslim outliers who defend such discriminatory practices.

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Dead body Pharaoh as sign for the people (IMAGE)



So today we will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And indeed, many among the people, of our signs, are heedless.” – The Quran 10:92