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Afke van Rijn and Dutch Delegation Less Than Honest During CEDR Review (Video)

The Roberson Report
Medea Media 2015©

Hamza Tzortzis On Dutch National Convertsday (Video)

info-pictogram1 Brother Hamza Tzortzis speaking on 6th National Convertsday in The Netherlands. March 2013.

The Netherlands: Heavy thunderstorm above Zeist (Video)

info-pictogram1 Heavy thunderstorm above Zeist, the Netherlands. From tenth floor flat GERO. Camera: Marcus Kingma.




Interview: Salaheddine speaks to Napoleon, former rapper of the Outlawz (Video)

info-pictogram1 Ex rapper and Muslim convert Napoleon visited the Netherlands and Belgium. Salaheddine interviewed him about Ghettos in America.

Fighting jihad for Israel

Foreign fighters drawn from Europe and the US contribute to Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian territories.

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Her name is Katie. She is from the Netherlands, and chose to serve in the Israeli navy instead of remaining in her country.

Will her government label her and the rest of the hundreds of Dutch youth serving in the Israeli military as jihadstrijders (jihad fighters), the name given to the hundred or so that went to Syria? Katie, a Dutch-
Israeli dual citizen, is after all a jihadist in occupied Palestinian lands.

The notion of Europeans and Americans serving in the Israeli army isn’t new. Before the creation of the state of Israel, thousands of western volunteers were recruited by the Zionist movement – in a process named Mahal or volunteers from abroad to take part in Zionist military operations in Palestine during the British Mandate.
Read full article…

Dutch Soccer Player Bruno Martins Indi says he feels like a complete Muslim

I feel full Muslim. It helped me to find peace and balance.

That said, Orange star Bruno Martins Indi Friday in an interview with the newspaper. The ADasked Martins Indi how he focuses. “For example, I have someone who helps me to focus. That’s in small things. So I do not consciously Twitter or Instagram and stuff, because I think it does infer me. Too Previously I was sitting at home watching constantly on my phone. That’s not what I want. If my daughter says ‘dad’, I want to give her all my regard. Complete attention It is the main, I’m going for.


Religion also helps Martins Indi. He was not religious upbringing, but gets some of his life lessons from Islam. “It helps me, gives me a certain calm. Yes, I feel fully Muslim, but that do not need to hang on the big clock. It has helped me to find peace and balance.

 Previous statements about faith
In an interview with the Telegraaf in 2013, Martin said his religion without ever naming: “Faith gives me a lot of strength. I try first of all to be a good man trying to do my daily prayers and ask it to aid in the ways that I walk. Faith gives me strength.

Demonstration against discrimination in The Hague, the Netherlands (IMAGE)



info-pictogram1 Demonstration today against discrimination in The Hague, the Netherlands (22 March 2014). (Notice the Palestinian flag)

Holland: Muslim convert politician to launch new Islamic party



Arnoud van Doorn, a former far-right Dutch politician who later accepted Islam and became a Muslim, has announced his plans to launch a new Islamic party in his native Holland.

The Islamic Party for Unity will be contending for three seats in the upcoming municipal elections on March 19.

Doorn, who once co-produced the anti-Islamic film ‘Fitna’ along with former friend and notorious anti-Muslim propagandist Geert Wilders, told the NL Times on Sunday that it was ‘only logical’ for Muslims to have political representation.

“Our standpoints are based on the Islam. We come up for minorities and the welfare of animals,” he said. Asked about what his party’s stance would be on homosexuals, Doorn said that all acts of affection in general were private affairs and thus should be kept private.

Doorn accepted Islam after criticisms of the film ‘Fitna’ encouraged him to look into Islam. Shortly after converting, he performed the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. He now acts as a voice for Holland’s one million Muslims, around 15,000 of whom are like himself converts to the religion.