Blog Archives

Three simple health tips for Ramadan


By: Mohamad Kadry

Fasting during the month of Ramadan can bring out many changes in those who observe it, but gluttony and laziness should not be among them.

These are problems that many people face each year when fasting from sunrise to sunset, tempted by copious amounts of food at Iftar combined with little to no physical activity throughout the day. But Ramadan should never be an excuse to overindulge.

While fasting, your body’s metabolism essentially slows down which can make you feel lethargic and help pack on unwanted weight. But with some careful planning there are a number of things you can implement into your daily schedule that will help you remain fit and strong throughout the month.

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6 Tips to Help You Fast From Your Phone this Ramadan



By: Abu Safiyyah

Phones! Every has one and many of us simply can’t live without them. Phones have come a long way and they now allow us to access tons of information from our finger tips. Our phones are constantly pinging due to notifications from email clients, social media apps, news apps, games and instant messaging apps etc. In the blessed month of Ramadan, we mustn’t let our phones distract us, let’s use this month to get closer to Allah. These 6 tips will help you ‘fast’ from your phones this Ramadan.

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Let the Truth stand up this Year


By: Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick

People today have become so dishonest that lying is like a profession! Januay 1st is not the New Year in the Ancient Solar calender: count in Latin “seven=septem so September is the 7th month! Octo (eight): so October is the 8th month, Novo=9 or November and decem=10 or December. January was the 11th month and February was the 12th! March was the first month! January was chosen for Janus, the so-called two faced god, Spiritualism and Materialism; a hypocrite. So New Year’s Eve with its drunkeness and immorality is a modern day manifestation of this same hypocrisy. Wake up people! And let the real Islam stand up! Here is 21st Century Masjid: “Evolving yet still Submitting to Allah”

Body of CSUN Student Missing for a Month Found by 10 Freeway in Palm Desert (Video)

Abubakr Islam: Being Black And Muslim – Black History Month (Video)

info-pictogram1 We have a big problem among the muslims when it comes to racism if we don’t stand up and speak about it how will we ever sort out our problems? Islam is perfect but the muslims are not.

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Greatest goal at FIFA World Cup in Brazil (Video)

info-pictogram1 Organizing a massive dawah effort for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, bringing together over 20 Islamic organizations on an international level, and mobilizing dozens of volunteers originating from 6 continents is a task of epic proportions. With the help of Allah and the assistance of the local Brazilian community, the Islamic Circle of north America (ICnA)’s WhyIslam Project was able to take on the challenge. Starting June 10, 2014, a team of daees arrived in sao Paulo kicking off the World Cup by asking soccer fans, “What is your goal?” After some meetings with local volunteers and logistics coordinating, they began hitting the streets of sao Paulo on June 12th, which marked the beginning of the World Cup soccer matches.

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Islamic Months (Calendar)



The Islamic year has twelve months that are based on a lunar cycle. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) – so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth….” (9:36).

“It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory, and the moon to be a light of beauty, and measured out stages for it, that you might know the number of years and the count of time. Allah did not create this except in truth and righteousness. And He explains His signs in detail, for those who understand” (10:5).

And in his final sermon before his death, the Prophet Muhammad said, among other things, “With Allah the months are twelve; four of them are holy; three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of Jumaada and Sha’ban.”

Islamic months begin at sunset of the first day, the day when the lunar crescent is visually sighted. The lunar year is approximately 354 days long, so the months rotate backward through the seasons and are not fixed to the Gregorian calendar. The months of the Islamic year are:

1. Muharram (“Forbidden” – it is one of the four months during which it is forbidden to wage war or fight)

2. Safar (“Empty” or “Yellow”)

3. Rabia Awal (“First spring”)

4. Rabia Thani (“Second spring”)

5. Jumaada Awal (“First freeze”)

6. Jumaada Thani (“Second freeze”)

7. Rajab (“To respect” – this is another holy month when fighting is prohibited)

8. Sha’ban (“To spread and distribute”)

9. Ramadan (“Parched thirst” – this is the month of daytime fasting)

10. Shawwal (“To be light and vigorous”)

11. Dhul-Qi’dah (“The month of rest” – another month when no warfare or fighting is allowed)

12. Dhul-Hijjah (“The month of Hajj” – this is the month of the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, again when no warfare or fighting is allowed)

Islamic Calendar 2014 Posters
  1. January 2014
  2. February 2014
  3. March 2014
  4. April 2014
  5. May 2014
  6. June 2014
  7. July 2014
  8. August 2014
  9. September 2014
  10. October 2014
  11. November 2014
  12. December 2014
  13. January 2015

Previous Years:



By: Ustadh Yahya Ibrahim


Five steps to Finding Love in Ramadan

These five steps are all statements made by the messenger of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him). Equally, they are typified in conduct by all those who were sent by Allah to lead humanity from darkness into light.

Prophet Yusuf 'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him) life story, in particular, is highlighted by imam Ibnul Jawzi in Bustan al-Wa’idhin wa Riyad as-Sami’in, as typifying the spirit of the month of Ramadan. Just like Prophet Yusuf 'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him) was the most beloved of the twelve sons to Ya’qub 'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him), Ramadan is likewise the most beloved month to Allah from the twelve months.

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By: Ustadh Yahya Ibrahim


Hate is Blind

Hate is just as blind as love, if not more. Many of us, at one point or another, have disliked another human being to a sinful degree. Our heart, normally soft and forbearing, constricts in rancor against them. Naturally, there are usually justifications for our hatefulness, and in reality the reasons probably warrant some level of aversion.

Often I am asked to sit in mediation between estranged couples, emotionally charged fathers and sons, feuding relatives, distrustful neighbors or disputing former business partners. On one such occasion a seemingly outwardly devout gentleman leaned over and said, “Shaykh, if I die before you, please lead my janāzah and make sincere du’ā’ for me. Also I give this as a wasiyya, if Omar (the man he is in dispute with) comes to pray at my funeral, I want you to kick him out of the masjid and tell him that I do not need his prayers.”

The seed of hate begins to sprout in the depth of the heart and, without intervention, the seed takes root and rises out of the heart into a thicket of anger, mistrust, gossip, fear, separation and condescension.

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