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10 Nullifiers of Islam



By: Imaam `Abdul-`Azeez bin Baaz

Know O Muslim brother that Allaah has obligated all of His servants
to enter the fold of Islaam, to hold tightly onto it and to beware
of those things that oppose it. And He sent His Prophet, Muhammad
(sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam), to call the people to that,
informing us that whoever follows him is guided, whereas whoever
turns away from him is astray. In many ayaat (verses) of the
Qur’aan, He has warned us about the things that cause one to
apostate as well as all the rest of the types of Shirk (polytheism)
and Kufr (disbelief).

Read the rest of this entry

“For Allah did take Abraham (pbuh) for friend!”

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Al Qur’an 4:125

The Six Days of Shawwal


Abu Ayyub (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “He who observes As-Saum (the fasts) in the month of Ramadan, and also observes As-Saum for six days in the month of Shawwal, it is as if he has observed As-Saum for the whole year.” (Riyad as-Salihin, Book 9, Hadith 1254)

You can start fasting six days of Shawwal from the second day of Shawwal, because it is haram to FAST on the day of ‘Eid. You can FAST the six days at any time during Shawwal, although the best of good deeds are those which are done soonest.

It is not a necessary condition that they should be fasted consecutively. If you fast them separately or consecutively, it is OK. The sooner you do them, the better

Just as the rainbow appears after the rain & day follows night, your tears will dry & the sunshine will return to your face.

gb copy Just as the rainbow appears after the rain & day follows night, your tears will dry & the sunshine will return to your face.
es copy Así como el arco iris aparece después de la lluvia y el día sigue a la noche, sus lágrimas se secarán y el sol volverá a su cara.
nl copy Net als de regenboog verschijnt na de regen en dag volgt nacht, zal je tranen drogen en de zon zal terugkeren naar je gezicht.
fr copy Tout comme l’arc en ciel apparaît après la pluie et le jour succède à la nuit, tes larmes sécheront et le soleil sera de retour à votre visage.
de copy So wie der Regenbogen erscheint nach dem regen Tag & Nacht folgt, wird Ihre Tränen zu trocknen und die Sonne wird zu Ihrem Gesicht zurück.
CN67867 Zhèngrú cǎihóng chūxiàn de jiàngyǔ hé rìyè zhīhòu, nǐ de yǎnlèi huì gàn hé yángguāng jiāng fǎnhuí dào nǐ de liǎn.
Sweden Precis som regnbågen visas efter regnet och dag följer natt, kommer dina tårar torka och solen kommer tillbaka till ditt ansikte.
rus7897 Tak zhe, kak poyavlyayetsya posle dozhdya i den’ smenyayet noch’ raduga , vashi slezy vysokhnut i solntse vernetsya v vashem litse.
4523turkey Yağmur ve gün geceyi takip sonra gökkuşağı görünür gibi, gözyaşların kurur ve güneş yüzünü dönecektir.
images Proprio come l’arcobaleno appare dopo la pioggia e il giorno segue la notte, le tue lacrime si asciugheranno e il sole tornerà al vostro viso.
indonesiaID Sama seperti pelangi muncul setelah hujan & hari berikut malam, air mata Anda akan kering & sinar matahari akan kembali ke wajah Anda.

Your thoughts become your words and your attitude. Where the mind goes, the man follows.

gb copy Your thoughts become your words and your attitude. Where the mind goes, the man follows.
es copy Tus pensamientos se convierten en tus palabras y tu actitud. Donde va la mente, el hombre sigue.
nl copy Uw gedachten worden je woorden en je houding. Waar de geest gaat, de man volgt.
fr copy Vos pensées deviennent vos paroles et votre attitude. Là où l’esprit va, l’homme suit.
de copy Ihre Gedanken werden Ihre Worte und Ihre Haltung. Wo der Geist geht, folgt der Mann.
CN67867 Nǐ de xiǎngfǎ chéngwéi nǐ dehuà, nǐ de tàidù. Zài nàlǐ, xīnlíng qù, gāi nánzǐ rúxià.
Sweden Dina tankar blir dina ord och din attityd. När sinnet går, följer mannen.
rus7897 Ваши мысли становятся ваши слова и ваше отношение. Где ум идет, человек следует.
4523turkey Sizin düşünceleriniz sözleriniz ve tutum olur.Zihin nereye gidiyor, adam izler.
images I tuoi pensieri diventano le tue parole e il tuo atteggiamento. Dove va la mente, l’uomo segue.
indonesiaID Pikiran Anda menjadi kata-kata dan sikap Anda. Dimana pikiran berjalan, pria berikut.