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Golden Planetz TV Presents: Defying Gravity (Video)

Welcome to Golden Planetz TV. The Golden Planetz represent the gravities of Life. Our mission is bring our audience on a journey in defining these gravities. We will use art, music and other sources of media to make creative breakthroughs on the daily. Join us each and every Wednesday at 8:30pm.

Palestinians “struggling for survival” in Jerusalem

Israeli security forces stand guard as Palestinian Muslim worshippers perform traditional Friday prayers on a street


Israeli occupation forces blocked Palestinian worshipers from accessing al-Aqsa mosque in the Old City of Jeruslem Friday

“The message the Israelis are sending is that Jerusalem Palestinians are unwanted here and they are doing everything to reassert their control and squash any form of dissent and resistance to Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem,” Twitter user @BDS4Justice, orZalameh, told The Electronic Intifada from his home in the eastern occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat on 29 October.

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It is quite scary to know you’re changing but not know who you are becoming


By: Khalil Ismail

The process of waiting in your cocoon requires the ability to sit still in darkness without knowledge of where or when Allah will break you out. And it might seem that even prayer doesn’t quell your worry. And that may lessen your faith in prayer. But don’t lose faith in your prayers let alone give up on them. They don’t always take away the trial or make it easier. They do however serve the purpose of reinforcing the invisible protective material keeping your cocoon strong. Because metamorphosis is always the most vulnerable time in our lives. And where our heart and soul is more susceptible to damage. Don’t give up the fight. — #ConversationsWithMyself

A Conversation on the Existence of God



Pankaj, my friend of 20 years, asked me, “Does God exist?” I replied, “Yes, he does.” Pankaj continues, “I don’t believe it. I am an atheist. If God really exists, prove it to me.”

So I continue “Well, it’s very easy to prove it . . .”

. . . And I embark upon a dedicated effort, “God is someone or something that we cannot physically locate. Perhaps that is the reason why some of us tend to resign to the notion that He does not exist. As human beings we are naturally inclined to explore. And hence we must try to find God wherever He exists. But does He give us a chance to do so? Where do we start looking? Should we try to find Him in the heavens above? Should we look for Him in the skies, in the sun, in the moon, our own planet or should it be in inanimate objects such as trees, idols, or in living beings such as animals or gurus or even ourselves?

Pankaj intervenes, “Hey man, don’t beat around the bush. Come to the point. Prove it!”

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Watch the Israeli-Palestinian conflict unfold online

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info-pictogram1 Multiple competing hashtags have sprung up beginning with the disappearance of three Israeli teens in early June. Check out this interactive time-lapse heat map tracking the conversation online from June 17 to July 7 here.




The lack of tourists is explained by the unrest that dominates in the country. The 34,000 visitors who come here every year are attracted by Libyan coffee, sand, and the friendly atmosphere: you can even be invited to homes of the locals for dinner and conversation.