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HD: The Forest Waterfall (Video)

6 Tech Traps We All Fall Into (And How To Avoid Them)

By: Lindsay Holmes


Technology can be a beautiful thing: It connects us to our family across the country, it exposes us to captivating stories, real and fictional … but it also has its downsides.

Admittedly, we’re all a little guilty of indulging in our devices too often, whether it’s checking our texts one too many times while we’re out to dinner or just wasting precious minutes dissecting our old roommate’s new romance. Luckily, there are ways to avoid these pitfalls in order to approach life in a more mindful manner. Below are six tech traps we constantly get sucked into and how to fight your way out of them. Take that, smartphone addiction.

1. Snapping a picture of the moment instead of savoring it.


That sunset may be beautiful, but if you’re not truly enjoying it — without your phone — you may not really remember it. Research suggests that our phones aren’t the best cameras, our memories are. A 2013 study revealed that people who took photos of art remembered less about the work than those who just stopped to soak it all in. And while photos are an incredible way to preserve a memory, we shouldn’t be experiencing every important moment in our life through a screen. Next time, let the mind do the image capturing.

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The Fall of Seville – A Poem by Abu al-Baqa’ al-Rundi


The Andalusian city of Seville fell to Christian Castile in 1248, after over 500 years of being a Muslim city. Abu al-Baqa’ al-Rundi was a contemporary Andalusian poet from the city of Ronda, in southern Iberia, who wrote a lament about the fall of the once great city in 1267. He alluded to ancient Arabian and Persian history in his poem, hoping to inspire Muslims to rise up and recapture the city. The English translation by James T. Monroe is below, followed by the original Arabic.

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A Muslim baby survives 11-story balcony fall (Video)

“And it is not [possible] for one to die except by permission of Allah (God) at a decree determined. And whoever desires the reward of this world – We will give him thereof; and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter – We will give him thereof. And we will reward the grateful.” Quran 3:145

May God grant the baby full recovery and great heath and may he grow up to be grateful and thankful working his whole life for the Deen for this amazing blessing from Allah.

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Story below:

info-pictogram1 A 15-month-old US boy has survived an 11-story fall from a balcony at his parents’ apartment in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Musa Dayib has been nicknamed “the miracle baby” after escaping death despite slipping through the railing and making a perilous fall.

In addition to fractures to both his arms, his backbone and his ribs, Dayib also suffered a concussion and is breathing through a ventilator. In critical but stable condition, he is expected to survive.

The boy was apparently saved by his soft landing spot, on a mulched area.

“It’s definitely a miracle. It’s God’s gift to his family. Kids don’t fall this far and make it often. Especially without a serious brain injury. You or I would’ve been dead,” ,” Tina Slusher said from the paediatric intensive care unit at Hennepin County Medical Center.

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It is great to hear of marriages taking place but sad to see how soon things begin to fall apart. We can do better…

gb copy It is great to hear of marriages taking place but sad to see how soon things begin to fall apart. We can do better…
es copy Es muy bueno escuchar de los matrimonios que tienen lugar pero es triste ver cómo pronto las cosas empiezan a desmoronarse. Podemos hacerlo mejor …
nl copy Het is geweldig om te horen van de huwelijken die plaatsvinden, maar triest om te zien hoe snel dingen beginnen uiteen te vallen. We kunnen beter doen …
fr copy Il est bon d’entendre des mariages qui ont lieu, mais triste de voir combien de temps les choses commencent à se désagréger. Nous pouvons faire mieux …
de copy Es ist toll, der Eheschließungen statt, aber traurig zu sehen, wie schnell die Dinge auseinander zu fallen beginnen zu hören. Wir können es besser …
CN67867 Zhè shì wěidà tīngdào de hūnyīn fāshēng, dàn kěbēi de kàn dào de dōngxi rúhé jǐnkuài kāishǐ tǔbēngwǎjiě de. Wǒmen kěyǐ zuò de gèng hǎo……
Sweden Det är bra att höra av äktenskap som äger rum men sorgligt att se hur snabbt saker och ting börjar falla sönder. Vi kan göra bättre …
rus7897 Eto zdorovo uslyshat’ brakov , proiskhodyashchikh no grustno videt’ , kak skoro veshchi nachinayut razvalivat’sya. My mozhem sdelat’ luchshe …
4523turkey Bu işler çökmeye başlar nasıl yakında görmek için yer ama üzgün alan evliliklerin duymak harika. Biz daha iyisini yapabilirim …
images E ‘bello sentire di matrimoni che si svolgono, ma triste vedere come presto le cose cominciano a cadere a pezzi. Possiamo fare di meglio …
indonesiaID Ini sangat bagus untuk mendengar pernikahan berlangsung tapi sedih melihat seberapa cepat hal-hal mulai berantakan. Kita bisa berbuat lebih baik …

Athabasca Falls, Canada (IMAGE)



info-pictogram1 Athabasca Falls is a waterfall in Jasper National Park on the upper Athabasca River, approximately 30 kilometres south of the townsite of Jasper, Alberta, Canada, and just west of the Icefields Parkway. A powerful, picturesque waterfall, Athabasca Falls is not known so much for the height of the falls (23 metres), as it is known for its force due to the large quantity of water falling into the gorge. Even on a cold morning in the fall, when river levels tend to be at their lowest, copious amounts of water flow over the falls. The river ‘falls’ over a layer of hard quartzite and through the softer limestone below carving the short gorge and a number of potholes. The falls can be safely viewed and photographed from various viewing platforms and walking trails around the falls. Access is from the nearby parking lot, which leads off Highway 93A just northeast of the falls. Highway 93A takes off from the nearby Icefields Parkway, and crosses the falls on the way north to the town of Jasper. White water rafting often starts below the falls to travel downstream on the Athabasca River to Jasper.




Iguazu FallsIguazú FallsIguassu Falls or Iguaçu Falls are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentinian province of Misiones. The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River rises near the city of Curitiba. The river flows through Brazil for most of its course, although most of the falls are on the Argentine side. Below its confluence with the San Antonio River, the Iguazu River forms the boundary between Argentinaand Brazil.

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Located in the Drakensberg (Dragon’s Mountains) in South Africa, Tugela Falls is the world’s second highest waterfall. The total drop in five free-leaping falls is 3,110 feet! Tugela Falls really reveal their beauty after a heavy rain, glistening from the reflection of the late afternoon sun.



Niagara Falls were formed when glaciers receded at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation (the last ice age), and water from the newly formed Great Lakes carved a path through the Niagara Escarpment en route to the Atlantic Ocean. While not exceptionally high, the Niagara Falls are very wide. More than six million cubic feet (168,000 m3) of water falls over the crest line every minute in high flow,[4] and almost four million cubic feet (110,000 m3) on average.