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Ma‘rifah: Getting to Know God



When we compare our lifespans, wherein our lives unfold, to the age of the earth or to the visible universe of nearly fourteen billion years, it seems less significant than a drop of water in an endless ocean. To today’s materialists, life holds little significance beyond that of selfish genes and chance mutations (or of exploitation and unfettered consumption). To believers in Allah and His Oneness (tawhid), however, life is seen as a rich tapestry of signs and an arena of tests that grant us the opportunity of knowing Allah and of worshiping Him. I only created jinn and men, stresses Allah in the Qur’an,that they may worship Me. [51:56]

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Watch the Israeli-Palestinian conflict unfold online

Schermafbeelding 2014-07-26 om 00.11.09

info-pictogram1 Multiple competing hashtags have sprung up beginning with the disappearance of three Israeli teens in early June. Check out this interactive time-lapse heat map tracking the conversation online from June 17 to July 7 here.

At the heart of every problem is a solution, learn to ask the right questions & the answers will unfold before you.

gb copy At the heart of every problem is a solution, learn to ask the right questions & the answers will unfold before you.
es copy En el corazón de cada problema es una solución, aprender a hacer las preguntas correctas y las respuestas se despliegan ante ti.
nl copy In het hart van elk probleem is een oplossing, leren om de juiste vragen te stellen en de antwoorden zullen zich voor je ontvouwen.
fr copy Au cœur de tous les problèmes est une solution, apprendre à poser les bonnes questions et les réponses vont se dérouler devant vous.
de copy Auf das Herz jedes Problem eine Lösung gibt, lernen, die richtigen Fragen zu stellen und die Antworten werden, bevor Sie zu entfalten.
CN67867 Zài měi yīgè wèntí de xīnzàng shì yīgè jiějué fāng’àn, xuéhuì wèn zhèngquè de wèntí hé dá’àn zài nǐmen yǐ xiān zhǎnkāi.
Sweden Kärnan i varje problem finns en lösning, lära sig att ställa de rätta frågorna och svaren kommer att utvecklas innan.
rus7897 V serdtse kazhdogo problemy yest’ resheniye , nauchit’sya zadavat’ pravil’nyye voprosy i otvety budut razvorachivat’sya pered vami.
4523turkey Her sorunun kalbi bir çözüm de, doğru soruları sormak ve öğrenmek cevaplar önce açılmak olacaktır.
images Al cuore di ogni problema è una soluzione, imparare a porre le domande giuste e le risposte si svolgeranno prima di voi.
indonesiaID Di jantung dari setiap masalah adalah solusi, belajar untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat & jawaban akan terbentang di depan Anda.