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Police Tear Gas School Kids In Kenya (Video)

info-pictogram1 Protesters in Nairobi Kenya, including many children, have been targeted with tear gas by authorities – leading to furious reaction on Twitter. The protesters had gathered to raise awareness about an alleged land grab that claimed a school playground.

Lightning strike kills 11 members of Colombian tribe

At least 11 members of a tribe in Sierra Nevada killed when lightning struck a thatch-roofed hut they were meeting in.


The electrical storm took place around midnight as the tribe was performing a traditional ceremony (REUTERS)


Authorities say 11 members of a remote indigenous tribe along Colombia’s Caribbean coast were killed when a lightning bolt struck a thatch-roofed hut where they were gathered.

Military officials said on Monday that another 15 members of the Wiwa tribe that live high in the coastal Sierra Nevada range were injured with burns, six of them seriously.

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Do Animals go to Heaven?


By: Shaykh Yusuf Badat

Based on the verses of the Qurʾan and prophetic reports, animals will be resurrected on the day of judgement, justice will be manifested for them, thereafter they will be made to dust. Refer to the below mentioned source texts:

“There is no creature moving on the earth, nor a bird flying on its two wings, but they are all communities like you. We have not missed anything in the Book. Then, to their Lord all of them shall be gathered.” (Qurʾan 6:38)

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