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Origin of the Hadra – Shaykh Babikir Babikir

Shaykh Babikir Ahmed Babikir explains importance and etiquette of dhikr as well as the history behind the Hadra practice.

A Person Cannot Protect Himself against the Devil except by Remembering Allah


Al-Harith Al-Ash’ari (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that The Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, “A Person cannot protect himself against the Shaytan (Devil) except by remembering Allah.”

Whenever you are alone, remember you have become a prey of the Shaytan, except if you’re remembering Allah. Nowadays many people are tempted by Shaytaan and fall into the traps of the Shaytan. It’s his job to lead us astray and to take us with him into Hell, but we should do our utmost best to prevent this. How? Do lots of Dhikr. Remember Allah all the time. Read the Quran, Do Dhikr, Pray voluntary prayers, Go to mosque, Attend Islamic events etc. And In Shaa Allah you’ll be under the protection of Allah.

May Allah save us from the whispers of the Shaytaan and forgive our sins. Ameen.

Zain Bhikha: Eid-un Sa’Eid (Video)

info-pictogram1 Well-known and much-loved Muslim artist, Zain Bhikha.

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