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Muslims in England and Wales doubled in 10 years


By: Aisha Gani

The Muslim population of England and Wales is growing faster than the overall population, with a higher proportion of children and a lower ratio of elderly people, according to an analysis of official data.

One in three Muslims is under 15, compared with fewer than one in five overall. There are also fewer elderly Muslims, with 4% aged over 65, compared with 16% of the overall population.

In 2011, 2.71 million Muslims lived in England and Wales, compared with 1.55 million in 2001. There were also 77,000 Muslims in Scotland and 3,800 in Northern Ireland.

The Muslim Council of Britain’s (MCB) study of data from the 2011 census found that Muslims are still a small minority of the overall population – one in 20. This contrasts with popular perceptions held by Britons, who overstate the proportion of Muslims in the country by a factor of four, according to a recent survey by Ipsos Mori.

Half the Muslims in England and Wales were born there and almost three-quarters (73%) identify themselves as British. Two-thirds of Muslims are ethnically Asian and 8% are white.

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Ways to Build Self-Esteem



By: Anum Ali

Self-Esteem is the value that we give ourselves and the opinion we have of ourselves. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) blessed us with an all-encompassing way of life called Islam over 1400 years ago, and it advocates the rights of all creation (men, women, elderly, children, animals, and our own ‘self’).

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The Trews: Russell Brand – Why Do Fox News Love Guns So Much? (Video)

info-pictogram1 Russell Brand The Trews (E97). Analysis of Fox News coverage of gun control.



Map by Stuart Laycock (via The Telegraph)

info-pictogram1 The analysis of the histories of the almost 200 countries in the world found only 22 which have never experienced an invasion by the British.

Israel-Palestine: Is This A Debate? Russell Brand The Trews (Video)

“Here’s my analysis of a Middle East ‘debate’ on Fox News.”


We agree with Russell that dehumanizing people is not a proper rationale for accepting the deaths of civilians as a legitimate function of war. This is also not a constructive way to solve this crisis. Watch the breakdown above.