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In the face of hardships, real Muslims have Patience and never loose their Character!


By: Abdullah Hakim Quick

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: “Near the end of time, there will emerge a people who will be young in age and foolish. They will recite the Qur’an but it will not go further than their collarbones. They will quote the words of the best of mankind but they will pass out of Islam as the arrow passes out of the prey.” (Ahmad: Authentic)
May Allah guide our sincere youth who have gone to extremes back to the balanced path of Allah. May Allah save them from falling into the trap of the Khawaarij (Kharijites)! Never forget this word which Abi Chondro has drawn so beautifully. Real Islam brings beauty, humility, and kindness along with courage and strength. Reflect: SubhaanAllah!!!”