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Syrian Refugees ‘Trapped in Arsal (Video)

info-pictogram1 Syrian refugees living in the Lebanese town of Arsal say the army will not let them leave without special permission. The town has been a security hotspot since fighters from the al-Qaeda linked group al-Nusra Front and men who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took control in August. The army is now back in charge, but refugees say they are still being punished. Al Jazeera’s Nicole Johnston reports from Arsal.

The line for food at Syria’s Yarmouk refugee camp

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This jaw-dropping photo published in The Guardian this week shows the line for food at Syria’s Yarmouk refugee camp. The UN says that some people in this camp have been reduced to eating animal feed!

Extremely small amounts of aid have gotten in recently but delivery has been suspended repeatedly due to ongoing security concerns. The situation is dire! Take action to end the humanitarian crisis in Syria –>