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10 Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You To Know



It’s almost 2015, and every single year more and more people are starting to question the information presented to them from mainstream western media outlets, and for good reason. What we are often presented with by corporate media, especially when it comes to political issues and war overseas is a twist of what’s really happening and sometimes even a fabrication of the story.

One great example is the “terrorist” group Al-Qaeda, it’s well documented that this group was supported and possibly created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Not long ago an FBI whistleblower expressed her belief that the United States is reviving the terror scare with ISIS to promote and revive the terror war industry.

Here is a video of US four-star General Wesley Clark pretty much alluding to the same thing. One of the best examples to date were the tragic events that took place on 9/11. Other great examples are the acquisitions and territory take-overs for ulterior motives. The list goes on and on.

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