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Let the Truth stand up this Year


By: Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick

People today have become so dishonest that lying is like a profession! Januay 1st is not the New Year in the Ancient Solar calender: count in Latin “seven=septem so September is the 7th month! Octo (eight): so October is the 8th month, Novo=9 or November and decem=10 or December. January was the 11th month and February was the 12th! March was the first month! January was chosen for Janus, the so-called two faced god, Spiritualism and Materialism; a hypocrite. So New Year’s Eve with its drunkeness and immorality is a modern day manifestation of this same hypocrisy. Wake up people! And let the real Islam stand up! Here is 21st Century Masjid: “Evolving yet still Submitting to Allah”