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Islam will continue to shine despite the “Clash of the two Savageries”


By: Abdullah Hakim Quick

Despite the ongoing Huge Savagery of drone strikes, Abu Ghuraib torture, Guantanamo Bay prisons, insults against Almighty Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (pbuh), vicious tyrants ruling Muslim countries and daily injustice and intimidation, on one side; and the Smaller Savagery being carried out by reactionary, out of control extremists (French killings, murder of school children in Peshawar, Pakistan) on the other side; Muslims have to “hold the line” of balance and justice.

The public execution of the French Police officer Ahmed Merabet and the lack of immediate recognition by the media is just another example of what causes the pain that we are feeling. But the Qur’an was revealed for all times. Allah has informed us:
“You shall certainly be tried in your wealth and in your persons and you shall certainly hear from those who have been given the Book before you and the Polytheists, much wrong and annoying talk; but if you persevere and guard against evil with piety, that will be the most resolute of actions.” ( 3: 186)

They will never put out the true light of Allah, no matter how they try! Its like a fool trying to blow out the sun. Look at how the Abdul Aziz Mosque meets the sunrise every day in Shah Alam, Malaysia and reflect.

Beating Procrastination: Keeping a Daily Relationship with the Quran


Procrastination affects us all – however, the most serious procrastination is the one that keeps us away from Allah’s path and away from good deeds.

It’s interesting how people normally procrastinate to do good deeds or beneficial actions, but would rarely procrastinate when it come to bad deeds or useless tasks! It reminds me of what Imam Zaid Shakir said in our recent interview with him, he said clearly ”procrastination is from shaytaan”.

I want us to tackle a growing problem amongst many Muslims today: It’s the procrastination from reading/reciting the Quran on a daily basis. We call it procrastination, but in some cases, it can be called complete abandonment (may Allah protect us).

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By: Yasir Qadhi

Realize it’s a spiritual AND physical project. It’s a miracle and blessing from Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) that you’re able to absorb the Qur’an. If you want to take advantage of this blessing, you should be in a position to receive it and therefore strive physically to achieve it and strive spiritually to get the maximum benefit.

1.  Sincerity. The first matter you have to pay attention to is your intention (if you intend good you will get good). Make sure that the intention you are making is only for the sake of Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He),  to seek His Pleasure so that insha’Allah, with His Mercy, we will be rewarded in the Aakhirah. It is not to show off in front of others that you have memorized a lot. Sincerity is not a one time factor rather it’s a continual battle that you always have to renew.

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By: Jade Small


When you meet someone who is spiritually healthy, you’re immediately drawn to that person. You feel good just by being around them. These people are magnets for happiness, freedom and generosity, and have a unique ability to enjoy the present moment.

The only way you can achieve true spiritual satisfaction is by following your heart’s desires. Here are some clues that you can use to stay on the right path.

Here are 20 signs you’re spiritually healthy:

1. You stepped out of the victim role and now play the game of designing your destiny.

2. You love your life because you’re living your soul’s purpose.

3. You feel like you’re contributing and serving with generosity.

4. You got off the emotional roller coaster, and your emotions feel like smooth waves on a clear day most of the time.

5. You catch yourself when you judge others and realize that what you’re judging is intimately related to your own self-acceptance.

6. You don’t fear making the wrong decision, because you’re aware that there can always be a spiritual lesson.

7. You understand that freedom and happiness are qualities you cultivate from within, and the more you work on them, the more they grow.

8. You no longer feel like you need to hide out of fear of judgment; you are the full expression of yourself personally and professionally.

9. You spend time in silence daily and crave it when you miss a day, because you feel like something is “off.”

Healthy ways to reduce cancer risk


MV Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are the opinion of the author and are not a replacement for consultation with a qualified medical practitioner. The information is provided by way of general advice.

For more than 40 years the war on cancer has been waged with abysmal results. It’s no secret that we are not winning the war on cancer, as it remains a leading killer in the United States and much of the developed world.

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Learn Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening)

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By: Mount Hira


info-pictogram1 Al-Fatihah in itself is a prayer at the very beginning of the Quran, which acts as a preface of the Quran and implies that the book is for a person with a mental attitude of the seeker of truth – a reader who is asking the only deity who is worthy of all praise, (and is the creator, owner, sustainer of the worlds etc.) to guide him to the straight path.

info-pictogram1 Human beings are born with a combination of two things: soul and body. As per the Quran, a soul is a command of Allah, therefore it naturally recognizes the existence of its Lord and also has the love of its creator. It is the nature on which every child is born as Allah says: “and be steadfast on the Nature whereupon Allah has created mankind” (30:30).

Emotional Recitation: The Magicians Of Firawn (Video)


Ammar AlShukry: Where Adventures Live (Video)


Sheikh Abdul Wahab Saleem: The Friends Of Allah (Video)
